11 reviews liked by NP2999

I have never played a Soulsborne before and after playing this I can positively say that I've been missing out on some of the best games in the past decade.

This is genuinely such a great introduction to the genre, the open world is great, the bosses are awesome, everything from the weapons to all the items in this game, it just clicks. The only flaws I could find is probably the map which could get confusing at times and the lack of direction from the game, I would get lost not knowing what to do next on many occasions, it didn't annoy me but it certainly wasn't the most enjoyable thing.

Overall, I'm so happy I played this and I will most definitely check out more Soulsborne games in the future.

Very fun game with friends but without friends it’s boring

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most lively representation of a western world I've ever seen in any media. The amount of little details packed into it add up to be one of the biggest and lived in worlds the videogame industry has ever witnessed.

I will not spoil anything story wise, however I must mention that the "redemption" part of the game is perfect and the most accurate depiction we can get (imo). The characters are nothing short of amazing and they are all built upon incredibly well, sure they could've been developed more but given the huge amount of characters, even with its 50 hour runtime I can understand why they couldn't and only focused on the most important members in the story.

Gameplay wise, RDR2 delivers a rather immersive experience filled with many possible interactions and ways to connect with the world. The combat cements itself as smooth and chaotic at the same time. Sure, there isn't a lot to it but even with its simplicity it never ceases to be fun. I can agree with some that most of the game is spent horseback riding and listening to dialogue which I don't disagree with, but given the fantastic writing and how immersive the horseback riding is in question, it more than makes up for it in my opinion.

I do not wish to write an insanely wrong review but just know that I've barely scratched the surface with this game, there is a lot to talk about and although many people won't find it to be their cup of tea, I can most certainly say that it's something worth experiencing at least once.

I love TLOU Part II but I still wouldn't say it's better than the first one. The gameplay is top notch and greatly improved, and despite what people say the story is also really good, it's just strangely organized. I don't want to spoil anything but there are some odd cuts during the story. Still a masterpiece though.

It's the first Arkham game so compared to the other titles in the series it lacks in certain aspects of gameplay. That doesn't make it bad, in fact the atmosphere is unmatched, the tone is set from the moment you start the game. The story is decent but Arkham City still tops it in that regard. I love all bits and pieces of lore you can find around the island, I thought that was pretty cool.

Overall, it's a fantastic start to one of my favorite franchises in gaming, definitely worth going back to.

This game is absolutely phenomenal. It's an almost perfect game and a love letter for any Batman and even Non-Batman fans alike.

The story is easily the strongest aspect of Arkham City, it's such a beautifully presented story that you just can't help but love, the pacing works well even with all the things going on. There are parts that feel more like filler than anything, like the Catwoman sections, but other than that it's very solid. The presentation and the atmosphere is unmatched. The gameplay still holds up well although after playing Knight you realize that City lacks some things, the traversal for example, not that great.

Overall, there's not much else I can really say about this game, just nitpicks and what not. It's a masterpiece.



Melee combat done right. No other game really comes close to the level of fluidity and complexity that Sifu offers. Truly one of a kind.

TPP is a bit of a mixed bag in my opinion. It has extremely high points and a bunch of low points. That being said this game is still fantastic and deserves your time.

The gameplay is some of the best the stealth genre has to offer and in the 40 something hours I've spent I never found myself getting bored at all. I could lose hours just walking around the map doing random stuff. The fact that there's online elements tied to the main story is something truly unique and I wish more games did something like this, and all the different things you have to do to build your army never felt like a chore.

That being said, the story pales in comparison to the gameplay. It being an unfinished mess and all, I can't really praise it and it's unfortunate we'll probably never see a proper conclusion to this.

Overall, it's one of if not the best stealth game I've ever played and I can't recommend it more to anyone who loves stealth and third person shooters in general.

It's not as good as I remember but a solid entry nonetheless. Origins has both good and bad but let's start with the good:

The game features easily some of the best boss fights in the series (e.g. Deathstroke, Bane) and manages to keep the good old arkham gameplay formula we're all accustomed to while still adding new gadgets to make it feel fresh, unfortunately however these new additions fall kind of flat and their entire justification for existing in the first place is so the game doesn't feel like a straight up clone. I thoroughly enjoyed the direction they took to showcase a much more brutal and younger Batman. I'd say they did the "Origins" part of the game right.

Now, for the bad, the open world is by far the most stale part of Arkham Origins, there is nothing to it, nothing that sets it apart from the other games, it's soulless. The side missions are also incredibly lacking, I never felt the initiative to pursue them. My experience with the game was also surprisingly bad, I encountered numerous bugs during my playthrough, none of which were game breaking but certainly unexpected given it's almost 10 years old. Origins introduced multiplayer but unfortunately you can't play it anymore since the servers for it shut down back in 2016.

Overall, Arkham Origins feels more like a filler entry than a full blown sequel, for good reason that is. It wasn't developed by Rocksteady so we should give it a pass just for that. It's not bad by any means, just unnecessary.