A masterclass in game design. Pure fun and arcade goodness that's easy to pick up, but tough and satisfying to master. A fantastic test of consistency and grit that still has plenty of variety. If you're a casual you can even be satisfied with the minigames! A truly misunderstood masterpiece. The world was honestly not ready for Super Monkey Ball, and I will say that completely unironically. It's a real fucking shame Sega has consistently missed the fucking point with this series and it mostly has a legacy as a "hehe monke" game rather than the incredibly designed brutal arcade game that it was.

Man, we lost Amusement Vision way too soon.

Bloated and overstuffed. Really neat conceptually but weirdly edgy in a way I find unfitting and lacking selfawareness. This really did not need BOTH time stones and chaos emeralds, who wants to spend like half of their time in special stages when the game isn't that long in the first place?

A fan remake with a lot of care! Some decisions I don't really agree with but it's a cool experience overall, one of the better Sonic fangames.

Wow bro play our really cool card game haha it's awesome! Wait what do you mean you don't want to what

The shorter levels really don't suit the format :/
Worst Shovel Knight experience and it's not even close