2048 for those with disturbed souls

i got my shit kicked in by a garfield on ranked and that was enough to make me realize i'm pretty bad at fighting games

The nature of Tomodachi Life makes it less like a game and more like an interactive experience, in which you pit all your best friends together and see which ones would attempt to breed given the chance

The antics in this game are amusing the first couple of times you see them but really most of the game gets old after about a week of playing; this game could REALLY do with a sequel with extra stuff, especially now that Miitopia's Switch port has proven they can do a LOT with the Mii maker

It runs pretty terrible, and I got filtered through almost all of the Elite 4 fights for being bad at competitive Pokemon strategies (ironically Kieran is the easiest fight in the whole DLC lol), but exploring a new world in a Pokemon game is always such a nice treat

The story is a charming follow-up to Part 1 but I feel like the name is misleading, like the Indigo Disk is only relevant for 5 minutes and then you get rid of it forever

Anyway I've only recently really gotten into these games and I definitely think this has left me wanting more goofy fish and lizard friends to have an adventure with

As someone who was introduced to Pokemon in later generations, it took some time to get used to some of the older aspects of the series, like limited inventory, TMs that are one use and hard to come by, and also the fact that this game was before they gave both physical moves and special moves to every single type in the game

THAT SAID this game is still a real nice lil treat, the world giving you opportunities to do all sorts of fun small activities on top of offering some real challenge in its battles; telling news reporters quick phrases in an interview and stuff like that is simply fun and wacky

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Unfortunately held back by the inherent flaws seen in any other roguelike, where level design kinda has to accomodate for every single possible weapon, so you don't see a lot of unique layouts because of that, rather only seeing stages where some weapons are superior and other weapons are annoying at worst, but never impossible; definitely makes this DLC stand out less than Octo Expansion in my eyes, where every level was deliberately designed around a strict set of challenges best achieved by a selection of a few different weapons

Of course another classic roguelike paradigm is having a run live or die on your luck with upgrades, or level setups, or what have you; a problem that could boil down to "skill issues" but also doesn't feel very satisfying when you can't learn anything from a run where bad luck made you lose or a run where good luck made you win

Another issue is how repetitive the game feels in objectives, having only like 4 different ones to choose from and then only a whopping 4 bosses (2 of which are randomly picked for each run, and the final boss doesn't change); for something that was hyped up for over a year I don't think it really lived up to it

That said, as a person who both likes roguelikes and loves Splatoon, this is still a very fun campaign, and they absolutely deliver on giving us more gay cephalopod content; despite all the words I wrote that would lead people to believe I hated this expansion, I found myself having a lot of fun with the synergies you can accomplish with the color chips

If you either A: hate roguelikes, B: hate Splatoon, C: are homophobic, or D: are a combination of the three choices, don't bother with this

EDIT: Beat the game with every palette, my main complaints still stand but Agent 8's palette offers a really unique challenge, especially if you pair it up with the risky rewards upgrade; definitely worth giving challenge runs a shot for this I think
Also gonna dock points for having just so little interesting lore bits, we really only get characterization for Acht and Off The Hook; Agent 8 gets very little, Agent 4 gets even less, and Cipher is just a dude

They didn't top Octo Expansion, but let's be real: will they ever?

an incredibly pivotal game in terms of the series' lore with some pretty interesting gameplay, unfortunately chained down by frustrating bosses and map cards

i was actually having fun with both campaigns until they started throwing actually hard bosses into this game for baby children

in other words: skill issue on my part

Critical mode is the perfect balance of kicking your ass into the dust while also making you feel like a fucking superhero with all the shit they offer you; nothing is more gratifying than getting through an intense boss fight in this game, which I did not feel in KH1 or COM; the combat in KH2 felt so fluid and satisfying compared to those games so I never really got frustrated with having to retry a lot of these fights

This game also does something no other video game could do: It often makes you forget you're playing a Disney game made for 10 year olds starring Mickey Mouse, wherein Donald Duck is thrown onto your screen while you're sobbing over Roxas' plight of nonexistence

i was going to give this game a 3 for having a pretty fun panel system despite the combat feeling slow, and then they started giving me tedious as hell missions

and then i got to leechgrave and i realized wow this game really ISNT an overhated gem it really is just a perfectly hated experience; bosses have way too much health, a lot of enemies are really annoying to engage with, and the slow as hell combat really stings when this game was the one that followed KH2, one of the smoothest feeling ARPGs of all time; I can acknowledge that my distaste for COM came from me being bad and unfamiliar with the combat system, but I can absolutely not give this game that same credit, this really is just a poorly designed game

this is easily the worst playing game in the series up until this point, which is unfortunate because it's paired with what's probably my best in terms of the story

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only done with terra's route so far but i really just have to commend the KH writers for making a prequel where they have to create a character who fucks up literally everything they do, so bad that they're what caused the series' main antagonist's uprising

terra shows up, fails a test, scares a bunch of women, kills one of them, CONSIDERS killing another, frees an alien fugitive and its deadly creation, almost gets run over at disneyland, beats up a (practical) child, kills his own master, and then finally gets all his friends killed as he gives his body up to xehanort

i love terra he's probably THE funniest character writen in this series

if your favorite jrpg is a fine cheese fondue, and your favorite disney movie is a delicious chocolate souffle, then kingdom hearts is what happens when you slather a bar of chocolate in cheese sauce, it's the most indulgent series ever in all the right ways

A potentially unfair score because I played this with an improved combat mod on recommendation of my friend, so whether or not that would sway me one way or another can't quite be a foregone conclusion

I can say this though: Terra is one of the biggest himbos I've seen in video games, that guy is NOT smart

yeah it plays like. fine i guess. it's a little clunky because it's running on a DS but it's like. fine. the fights are less annoying than the ones in 358/2, and the stat matrix is a fun way to play with the game's difficulty

but wow there's like . nothing important here, huh

For the sick minds who thought what was missing from golf was Mario Party event spaces, this is the game for you; play with your friends and leave them completely shaken up afterwards