whoever decided to make team chaotix the way it is should not be able to decide things in SEGA again

your honor,

pokemon unite

when i was like 13 i used to think i was hot shit for not playing undertale and then when i played it 4 years later it changed me as a person

Fun time, but fuck whoever thought it'd be a good idea to implement a premium currency

this game changed my life for the worst

nah geno is overrated bro

Performs horribly on official hardware, the story is just a sappy "what if things actually were okay" imagining, but if you liked the original HW, this one adds onto the combat in several ways (but you'll still probably be using the same 1-2 combos on each character anyway).

A little rough around the edges, but the visuals and music help carry some weight, and it can be pretty fun in multiplayer.

It's like Mega Man if you had to arbitrarily backtrack through levels every 20 minutes to get an upgrade you should've had the whole time.


A perfectly mediocre experience. Gameplay lacks depth (ironic considering its entire gimmick), it's really just Wii Boxing with a flurry attack and different abilities for each hand you use. Has some good character designs, has some really lame ones. The one thing you'll be remembering from this game is probably the soundtrack, honestly.

A platformer game whose concept lends itself greatly to the gameplay, and whose visual style is like no other game; every single stage is oozing with a personality of its own, and the stories behind each character are simple and quickly shown, yet incredibly compelling. To say the game is oozing with personality would be an understatement.

Not a whole lot of negatives bogged this game down, though I really feel like the cobweb collector should've been available at the start of the game, since you can still get it fairly early on, it's just needless padding to backtrack into earlier levels at that point though; another huge complaint is that the final boss, and final level for that matter, are huge cakewalks if you've been doing everything up until that point, since having maxed health and maxed powerups just makes nothing feel threatening at that point. Also I'm not sure if this can be classified as a complaint or a good thing, but a lot of the time figments really had a tendency to blend into the environment to the point of being impossible to spot out naturally; probably good from a narrative standpoint, having the figments of your imagination blend seamlessly with your subconscious environment, but a little bit annoying to deal with sometimes.

Beyond that, I can definitely say I had a fun time 100%ing the game and messing with the game's fun, albeit sometimes a little buggy, platforming mechanics, and after having finally played this game, I can definitely see why so many people were anticipating its sequel for so long.

A game with a lot to say and really satisfying combat once you've figured it out, but unfortunately they let a horny teenager into the writing room and a mobile game designer into the game design room, and the rest of the team didn't notice what happened to the game until it was too late

Very dated combat and inventory system, but the game has so much personality in its writing, visuals, and music that I could honestly not care a whole lot less about its flaws