honestly love this almost as much as the original, the new areas are some of the best things i've seen in this sort of style.

note to self: this is the original game, which was delisted from itch.io but currently available on steam for $3.

disillusion st is a prequel.

homestuck might be my favorite video game, actually

i remember playing this a while ago. really cool graphics, but underwhelming gameplay and story.

not bad but not great. i really liked the outdoor design, though. a decent 30 minutes.

ps1 horror contentslop but i managed to get softlocked in this one

it's hard to describe the experience of playing this game in a way that reflects how i feel about it. it's a work simulator that actually feels like work. it's not fun to play, and "completing" it isn't rewarding either. but that's the point, so in a way, it's a great reflection of real life.

a bit clunky but honestly pretty fun. did 6 of the "stories" before dropping it. there's so much potential in this game though, so i'm excited to try the later games in the series and see how they improved upon it.


okay so i guess i like fps games now lol. this shit rocks
(haven't played episode 4 yet)

i had to set up an entire windows 98 vm for this and it really wasn't worth the effort. i do unironically love the shitty 90s graphics though, especially that goofy ass intro sequence.

a slightly better cheap jumpscare game.

really liked the aesthetic but the gameplay was ehh (so... many... mazes...)

just a cheap jumpscare game. very short, and very boring.

best sims game hands down. bring back the color wheel.

genuinely one of the coolest games i've ever played. absolutely insane, over the top, and filled with homages to every movie ever made. it's like if ready player one was actually made with love for what it was referencing.