29 Reviews liked by Nazzadan




wayyyyy too surface-level compared to oxenfree. combined with performance issues, a contrived plot, and tons of walking with nothing to explore, it makes a disappointment

damn bitch you live like this??!?!!!?

the truth is, polyblank, the game was rigged from the start

everyone on the moon is some breed of ultra-australians that will never shut up or stop giving you shitty fetchquests, i guess. even if you ignore the story it's just a mechanically worse bl2

u get to play as harry potter

contender for the most 2006 game ever, like someone straight up sneezed motion blur all over your screen. wolf's fucking fit too lmaooo

Want to tediously ride a slow dinosaur while you harvest sticks, and then hope you don't die while you're "asleep" (Logged off)? Then have I the game for you!

yeah i actually played this game because my cousin had a friend who's step dad was a kiss fan and bought it for him to play. it sucks shit!

all i'm saying is: he has shoes.... like a horse, he has a saddle....like a horse, he has a cloaca...like a horse, he eats apples... like a horse

If I could only have one game for the rest of my life, this is it.

I mean, it’s no Warcraft 3, let’s be real.

i love getting stepped on by a cat guy with abs, just a god tier game

i can still feel the bumpy box from this image

they expanded upon previous ideas, added a bunch of stuff, added a whole new area, flying mounts and multi-person mounts, etc.
best of all, they added glyphs, socketing, and a better enchantment system. really allowed for some amazing customizations

fantastic expansion, probably the peak of WoW for me