6 reviews liked by NeedBetterTaste

The "best" game no one has ever played

This is my favourite LEGO game

Mother 3 is a JRPG that is actually good. The gameplay is as shallow as you'd expect, but luckily the game makes up for it by excelling in everything else. The music, the atmosphere, the graphics and the characters are all full of charm. It also manages to deliver one of the saddest stories ever without being edgy or taking itself too seriously. It induces a sense of child-like wonder, but it also hits you in the face with mature themes. This was attempted in Earthbound too, but the execution this time was so much better.

Very good adaptation - on par with the PS1 games. Crash has always been a 2D platformer at heart, so the only difference is that now you go right instead of forward. It looks beautiful for a GBA game and has some impressive pseudo-3D moments. Its boss fights aren't the most inspired, but that's ok for a Crash game.