This is the greatest game of all time. I love Half-Life 2 so much. It has so many details, great gameplay, great headcrabs, great modding community. It's great and offers a very good replaybility. It's very fun AND NO ONE SHOULD SKIP THIS GOAT

Persona 4 Golden one of the games that i really love it but doesn't have any replay value at all because half of the game is a visual novel that no more suprises you.
Still JRPG thing is fine i guess but for playing first time
it feels great and fun and you are literally feeling that you are in inaba

Unreal Tournament is my greatest FPS Arena Shooter that i have ever played.
Since I was kid I was playing everyday on my Windows 98.
It is a great game to this day and I have so many great memories with it.
I just love this game.

Portal 2 is one of my favorite personally the greatest puzzle game that i have ever played in my entire life.
The characters, voice acting, puzzles itself, the quote about lemons and soundtrack. It's connected very great and I'm coming back to this game every year to experience this peak fiction.