MWII continued on what MW2019 did, reinventing the wheel by removing core features and calling it innovation. Sure the maps on average are better then MW2019s and MWII feels faster paced then its predecessor but that's about it.

Ever since OG IW left the studio during the development MW2 and formed Respawn Entertainment around a decade ago the new IW has failed to make an actual good game. Few good ideas and upgrades here and there but that doesn't make a game good no matter how crisp the animations and rendering looks.

Perfect remake. And somehow the Pokemon company and GameFreak have failed to replicate something they've already done with HGSS.

Only flaw I can think of is the game still has some of that Gen 4 slowness. There are still issues with the Johto region as a whole but everything is improved upon from the original games.

Music translated well, new content was great, QoL implement well, and post game with Gen 3 and 4 Pokemon breathed even more fresh air into this game. Shame we'll probably never get anything like it again.

Definitive OG Gen 1 game, not much else to say. Could catch every Pokemon in game, walking with a Pikachu was cute, and had fun glitches.

Favourite Pokemon game. Epic story, great region, amazing music, first cutscene in Pokemon, and introduced the Battle Frontier to the series.

Have a habit of writing long reviews gushing about games I love and this is one of those games. If I ever have the time I'll be sure to update or write another one.

A great first entry to a series with the Pokemon IP. Good story, great music, and makes me wish they would make a new entry in the franchise for the Switch and frankly, make more different games with the Pokemon IP because there isn't enough for how big the franchise is.

I remember watching Markiplier (I think it was him) play this when it originally came out to see what all the hype was about. I was in for a surprise just like everyone else was.

If you like visual novels and like things with a twist I highly recommend this free game, just try and go in without any prior knowledge if you can.

Played this along with the prequel demo called Unsolved Case with my girl. Fun puzzle game to play with a partner or friend if you want to play something new one night. Game is around 4+ hours depending on how long it takes you to complete the puzzles.

Voice acting is a little choppy and the "twist" is obvious but the puzzles are fun and that's what matters. My girl and I are both interested whenever the sequel come out.

There are monkeys that pop balloons with darts (among other things), what's not to love?

Balloons TD6 is my favourite in the series since Balloons TD 3 which I played on CoolMathGames in the computer lab during lunchtime and during class when the teacher wasn't looking. Since Balloons 3 there are a bunch of new monkeys and upgrades as well as maps.

Whiles this game does have microtransactions I've never felt the need or urge to purchase any. It also goes on sale pretty regularly on Steam for a couple bucks and can be played on most computers now days.

If you have the urge to play a Balloons TD game I highly recommend Balloons TD 6 on any platform.

Without a doubt the best FPS BR out there. But with that being said still has many issues.

I'll start with the good. Best movement in any BR, it's easy to learn and takes time to master and doesn't take forever to get from point A to B (especially with movement characters). Gun play is top notch, it's smooth and there is good weapon variety, sure some weapons are better than others and they mess up the balancing every now and then but rarely the point to where is ruins the game (at least in the past 4-5 seasons). Legend balance as of this review is pretty healthy, most are viable in any squad in an average players hands and none are blatantly OP. Maps, are overall are really good, some are better for ranked like Worlds Edge and some are better for casual like Kings Canyon. Ranked, as always needs tweaking, but when it works as it should (more on that later) it is the best competitive mode in any BR.

Now the bad. The best way I can phrase this is lack of quality content. Other than new seasons and mid season heirloom event drop there is virtually nothing. Respawn has made great game modes like snipers and shotguns or bringing back the original Kings Canyon or Worlds Edge but does it once a year maybe. A rotation of limited time modes to play every other week when a map you don't like is in rotation or for a change of pace would be amazing, doesn't always have to be new stuff either. Again with lack of quality content, cross progression has been mentioned to be on the way for what feels like years and there's been no timeline. They released the next gen version of the game with virtually no marketing, I had no idea and then I found out why, it's almost the same as the last gen version (on PS5 any way) just a bit clearer, still locked at 60fps. Questionable changes or inaction is another, why doesn't Pathfinder have a passive yet? Something like moving faster on ziplines makes sense and isn't OP. Why was Revenant nerfed because he was OP with Octane, doesn't make more sense to nerf Octane in that situation rather than Rev who just buffed to be viable for when his heirloom was release? Why is Lifeline who is described a combat medic out classed by New Castle and Gibraltar, reviving is her thing, she should at least be the best at it. Why lock plain weapons behind the crafter? Rarely ever seen in game afterwards. Why nerf weapons that were in good places like L-Star and Flatline (which is still viable)? I easily have over 500 hours in the game, played since day 1, was max level, and have bought and completed multiple battle passes and have never gotten heirloom shards, there are over a dozen including the heirloom skins and still not 1? Paying $70+ during the event for it is absurd but and the hell with buying supply drops, calculated how many I'm away from a guaranteed one and I'm around 3/5 of the way, to each there own but I feel I should have at least gotten 1 or 2 through just playing the game by now.

Anyway, I could rant about Apex Legends forever, but the core of the game is what makes it arguably the best BR out there. All Respawn needs is more support from EA to make some ranked tuning so people aren't fighting 3 stack masters squads in gold and platinum lobbies as well as some changes in RP distribution (been getting better the past couple seasons). More constant updates with fixes and content. And a timeline for things like character reworks, cross progression, actual next gen features. They are a talented team and should be given more support like the other top BRs because nothing beats an intense game of Apex Legends.

When Pokemon X and Y were announced I was extremely excited, 3D pokemon models, cool cover legendaries that didn't look like Fakemon, and mega pokemon looked amazing. Unfortunately, almost everything else fell flat.

Kalos is a smaller region with few interesting places, a bad evil team, weak post game, low number of new pokemon, and an annoying friend group. The worst of it was how easy the game was, pokemon is a game aimed towards kids so it was never really ever to difficult but gym leaders only have 3-4 pokemon, the new exp share is great idea in concept but horribly balanced, and mega pokemon in game wipe the floor with almost everything. If I was 8-10 years old playing this I would feel that my intelligence has been insulted.

The saving graces of X and Y that save it from being an awful game is mega evolution and the competitive scene. Megas is the best battle gimmick in any pokemon game, a select pokemon had the ability to do it and not only were they cool but it made more pokemon viable in battling. The comp scene at the was the accessible its been which made easy and fun just to jump into. A few other positives are most of the 3D pokemon models (some still need work), the legendaries are designed well and are the life and death pokemon which is really cool (and the games story doesn't utilize that whatsoever..), and of course the PSS which made connecting with friends fast simple and easy (and they abandoned it after words).

Like pokemon Black and White I hope this game gets remade sometime in the future (not BDSP way), mainly because megas would come back and hopefully there will be new ones (megas Flygon pls).

Just finished my second playthrough to prepare for Ragnarök and I'm still amazed at this game. The gameplay, customization, lore, story, and some of the boss fights are phenomenal and a must play if you haven't already. Also playing with 60fps on PS5 was so much better than the 30fps on PS4.

The only negatives about God of War seem to be being improved on in Ragnarök which is enemy and boss variety. Liked the idea of fighting Valkyries but they all felt way to similar, plus to many trolls/ogres as bosses. I also hope they change their approach to difficulty as seemingly its only changes are that enemies have more health and do a bit more damage.

Overall probably in my Top 10 games of all time and I cannot wait for Ragnarök and whatever Kratos and Atreus' story holds after it.

Great fun for everybody, especially with friends. Cute, fun, colourful, and very easy to learn. Game is now free to play and is on every almost every platform and doesn't take up to much storage. If you ever wanted to give it a try now is the time.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are the best Pokémon games yet. But I can't help imagine how much better the game would be if it was good.

Constant frame drops, really bad pop in, bad environment textures, game crashes, bad camera placements, and overall graphical fidelity are just not good. There are times where the game runs smooth and I'm so happy to play an open world Pokémon game, but then the poor performance kicks in and hinders the experience. Even though Pokémon Legends Arceus wasn't a good looking game graphically either, at least it ran relatively well.

With that being said the story and characters are the best written in the series and the game really benefits from the open world setting (wonderfully when it works). Being able to have 3 different stories that are for the most part separate from each other helps so much. Get bored of battling gyms? well you have 2 other stories plus a world to explore, loved it so much it's the first time I wished they actually put voice acting in the game. Competitive battling is interesting (so far in a good way) with terastalizing, hoping to do more of that now that I finished the Pokédex. I love the music in Pokémon, I think the franchise is somewhat underrated when it comes to OSTs in games, when people talk about the greats because I believe it should be near the top. Scarlet and Violet do a pretty good job in the battle music department and some of the character music but in overworld music not so much, there was no route (or area in this case) or city theme that really stuck out except for the post game area. Gen 7 and 8 OSTs really knocked it out of the park right away and I felt they also got better with time, and I hope Scarlet and Violets does too.

Scarlet and Violet should've had another year of development to smooth things out and maybe add a battle frontier (I can dream) or at least a battle mansion/tower. But being adamant on keeping a "smaller" team in todays age is really hurting Game Freak as well as still being the ones to push the entire franchise forward, and of course the other big roadblock, working for the Pokémon company.

The reason why I'm still giving it 4/5 stars is because it's a great Pokémon game at its core that just doesn't work right yet, and if the issues are fixed then 85% of the issues I had are solved. Doesn't change the inexcusable release, but its not the creatives at Game Freaks fault.

Basically OW1 with some updates and a monetization change. I never owned OW1, only played during free trials but I really enjoyed what I played so consider OW2 my first OW experience, basically all new to me. Would've bought but don't want to play a comp focused FPS solo. Now that it's free to play I have some friends who actively play now so been trying out ranked and really learning the ins and outs of all the Hero's has been great.

Game has issues still. Hero balance, the amount of content for a "sequel", NO clarity on how ranked works, ridiculous prices for legacy and new skins, etc. But that aside it's still a really fun hero comp shooter. Probably because it's "new" to me still but if I were a legacy player I'd probably not have a as favorable review .