An amazing and fresh Pokemon fan game.

While there isn't much of a story (as of now) the gameplay loop of battling is fun for countless hours while you try and figure out ways of beating your rival and various boss pokemon.

I know RNG in Pokemon can be extremely frustrating and it can be a fine line between fun and complete randomness but I'm happy to say having it cranked up to 11 with it's various mechanics leans very much into the fun side.

If you're into Pokemon fan games and want to try one different from the norm that can be played casually PokeRogue is a great option as it can be played in any browser and you can and pick up and play where ever.

Played for the memes, and it lived up to the memes. This game knows what it is from the start and thrives because of it.

Knew I needed to play it when I played the Sekiro mod that uses this games OST and changed Genichiro into Jet Stream Sam. and boy am I glad I did.

As a Spider-Man fan my entire life this is everything I could ever want out of a Spider-Man game.

The takes on all the characters are extremely well done and are different enough from their counterparts in other games/shows/movies but is still true to them. The story feels like I'm playing a season from the 1990's cartoon (in the best way possible) and the final act felt like the climax of a movie. You see and interact with multiple familiar villains, friends, and locations from Spider-Man (and Marvel) mythos and their are mentions/teasers for others. The combat is really fun and web slinging around New York is near perfect, think I only used fast travel once or twice in both my playthroughs. The costume and web abilities are wonderful, exceeded my expectations of what would be available. Graphically this game looks great, even the PS4 version still holds up.

While I love this game I do have some critiques of it. Fighting X amount of criminals to clear a district in NY gets old REALLY fast. Playing as the other characters for those short missions mess with the pacing of the game and aren't nearly as fun. And lastly the DLC is really lackluster overall, it has some moments in the main story but that's about it.

I am extremely excited for the sequel and I'm sure Insomniac is aware of the critiques others and I have and will adjust like the great studio they are. I am 100% pre-ordering Spider-Man 2 when we get a release date and the same goes for the Wolverine game.

If you want a really cheap horror game to try with a friend this is one of the better options of all the countless ones on Steam. 100% worth its price.

Took over my life as a kid. A few times a year I have the urge to play again but hate that I'd have to grind back up to a decent level to quest and explore and as an adult I just don't have the time when other games exist. If I ever win the lottery and never have to work again in my life I'll be back, but until then I have my memories.

Never owned this game until I bought a PC yet I have countless memories playing it at my friends house growing up on their Xbox 360s (I was a PlayStation guy). L4D2 still has that special quality that any friend no matter how small can ask me if I want to play a few games and I'm always down. It still holds up extremely well as a arcade zombie shooter, I can't believe L4D3 isn't a thing given how beloved it is (or any real sequels to Valve games for that matter).

As a massive Star Wars fan who loves the Old Republic era this game was right up my ally, and is probably why it's my favourite MMO. I should also add that I don't play MMOs. So in terms MMO mechanics like finding a clan/group to play with and how things are balanced whether PvE or PvP I have no idea. I very much see this as a single player Star Wars game that other that other people are also playing at the same time.

What I love about SWTOR is all the various stories with all the classes and all the companions you meet. Some aren't the most in intriguing characters in gaming but most are fun and have there own quests. Some are even romanceable too. And although it's not officially "cannon" It's great to go deep into the lore and see other planets and what's happening on them and old force users and other force mysteries.

Sure the game is a large download and looks dated but if you're a Star Wars fan I highly recommend it. SWTOR seems pretty good to free and new players too. Sure paying the subscription gives better benefits but I've been a free player for the 70+ hours I've played and haven't ran into any major annoyances.

Fun party game that anyone can learn, had some great fun and laughs playing Among Us with friends. Although, I feel you have to play with friends in discord or another voice chat to get the best experience.

A fun puzzle game that almost any experience of gamer can get into with simple and fun mechanics that is complimented by funny robot voice.

The first Portal is a really short game if you're not playing with workshop levels but the game is cheap and regularly goes on sale for around $2 so it really isn't an issue.

Highly recommend to anybody, fun short game that has replay value.


A great cute cat game with fun little puzzles and funny robots. Really had to review this objectively otherwise I would've given it 5 stars because I'm such a cat lover but that doesn't mean there isn't fun for everyone.

I hope there are more games like this in the future with cats, dogs, birds, or whatever, and I hope there is a sequel where I'm able to do more cute cat stuff with robots :).

Fortnite Battle Royale in its prime is on par with the best multiplayer PvP games of all time. Seasons 2-4 (maybe 5 too) gave me almost as much enjoyment as MW2-BO2 multiplayer, couldn’t wait to get home and play by myself or with friends.

Fortnite declined in enjoyment over time for me but the in game events, constant updates, game modes with creative (and now no build which is amazing) are second to none. While I don’t play regularly anymore sometimes if a character from another IP drops as a skin or something big drops it brings me back.


Couldn't ask for a better return for Doom with Doom 2016. Gameplay is so good, fun, and brutal that flows so well with the amazing music by Mick Gordon that everytime I think about it I want to play more Doom.

It's also really nice having a story in Doom that players can follow which was surprisingly good. The only things about Doom 2016 that I didn't really like was it's multiplayer and the fact that it wasn't longer. The game was a good length but would've loved another full level with a boss.

The first Dark Souls has some iconic boss battles and environments that rank at the top of the series but I couldn't help but feel that some of the difficulty was artificial and that some things were made tedious for no reason. Like the Capra Demon fight arena or the Bone Zone skeletons that stun lock you. Also having to run for over a minute every time to get to the final boss arena was really annoying and unnecessary.

With that being said Dark Souls is still a game I'd recommend to anyone who likes souls-like games (if they haven't already played it) or anyone looking to get into the series of FromSoft games. If you are looking to get into the series I do recommend starting with DS1 because starting with the newer FromSoft games and going back like I did can be rough.

To me this is the best Resident Evil game, it is both the least scary Resident Evil game until it decides to be the scariest Resident Evil game. Village's combat improved over RE7 and also has a great setting with a story that hits its emotional beats when needed.

Great fun for everybody, especially with friends. Cute, fun, colourful, and very easy to learn. Game is now free to play and is on every almost every platform and doesn't take up to much storage. If you ever wanted to give it a try now is the time.