Innovative, clever, and beautiful.

The game allows you to play puzzle games by using the nintendo switch's tilt functions to control gravity. This is the first time I've played a game with tilt controls that actually feels natural and fun. The graphics, along with the music, is incredibly immersive despite having almost no dialogue at all.

It isn't a long game, especially not if you're naturally good at puzzles, but you can still get a good few hours out of it. It often goes on sale on the nintendo switch e-shop so I highly recommend downloading it!

Incredibly emotional and tense. A game where you simply can not please everyone and keep your hands clean at the same time. This game challenges your morals, priorities and logic, making you gather context clues and information on the tenants you manage in your complex by spying on them. Invading their privacy isn't morally correct (naturally), but what happens if the government will apprehend you if you do not report everything you discover? Is your family's life less important than the tenants? Would you spy if it was the only way to keep them safe? Some information may be worth hiding... but if they figure out you've lied by omission, you're never going to see your family again.

An amazing experience with a lot of options and choices that will force your hand to keep your family safe... or not.

Clever writing, amazing characters, beautiful music and setup. A classic fairy-tale in rhymes and gorgeous traditional art inspired to create a storybook that moves and brings you along to experience the world around you.

The combat may not look the best at first, but it's incredibly addicting once you get used to the button prompts.

A short game in about 10-20 hours if you take your time with it. Well worth the time you invest, especially if you adore traditional art.

Clever concept and interesting story with a slightly unfortunate translation. Some of the English sentences are not the best, but they give you just enough understanding to take you through the story.

The atmosphere is chilling and mysterious. It gives you puzzles where you light your path forward by the help of blue and yellow balls of light in a sunken city where it never stops raining.

If you take the extra step to uncover the lore, it can be a very satisfying game.

The controls are a little finicky at times and some of the puzzles were difficult to figure out, but overall recommend this small little game about a child trying to find themselves, their meaning, and saving their home in the process from being flooded.


No dialogue, no grandiose graphics, no longer than max an hour at best, and the controls glitch at times when jumping. However, I enjoyed the message and journey (especially since the character is always at running speed- I found this really interesting too). It was fun while it lasted, and was very satisfying to see to the end. I wouldn't want to not have played it, even if it was so short. If you have an hour to kill, and want to experience an interesting game, go into it with the expectation just to explore and have fun.


Thematically beautiful, gorgeous graphics and music, as well as cleverly illustrated boss fights and mechanics that utilize sound and movement to convey their weight and power, as well as the protagonist's feelings.

The character takes on multiple colors and shapes as the game progresses, learning how to move on by acquiring wings, feeling weighed down by the past so much that she turns into stone, and running away by taking on an aquatic form which moves faster than any of your other forms, and finally, being able to accept oneself and ones strength by acquiring a voice to speak- a skill your character lacks at the beginning of the game and one that makes them very withdrawn.

You get each new form by gathering stars, which may just imply a passage of time (one necessary to heal) and it takes you through every step of grief and how to overcome it. All without the use of dialogue or text.

A game that I will always replay again and again and never forget. I aspire to create something just as emotional, beautiful and as mesmerizing as GRIS.

Please, play this game. It's roughly 6 hours, around 10-20 dollars, and has a flawlessly constructed narrative which everyone can relate to and understand in any language.

Not a horror game, but with all the good things that come with a horror game and none of the bad (the jump scares, which there are none of thankfully) with multiple endings and lore that's too interesting not to get attached to.

You have to use logic to deduce who is lying to you. Is it your sister? Is it everyone around you? Or is it your own self?

Not a long game, but can easily be replayed to uncover more information and interesting twists that keep you invested in the two sisters.

It took a long time for them to grow on me, but once they did, I grew protective of them. A fun game for those that enjoy horror and ridiculous humor. Funny, dark, and heartwarming.

I adored this little point and click adventure game. It seems childish and simple at first, but the enjoyment in this game does not come from fighting bosses or solving mysteries or puzzles, but from interacting with the cast and reading through the plot. Treat it like a visual novel with minor puzzle elements. While I did not entirely enjoy the ending, I did enjoy all the artwork and jokes along the way. A fun, warm little game that's likely to be enjoyable if you have a few hours to kill and want a new, short game to play.

Loved this game! Wish it was longer, but I adored every character and all their routes. They are not 2dimensional, and each one of them has their own unique ending. It takes a while to uncover all endings, and some options only get unlocked once you have unlocked specific information in the game.

I really wish it was longer. The characters, setting, and payoff as well as the growth of the main character is all so well done in such a limited amount of dialogue and playtime. Incredibly crafted work with a lot of love from the creator. If you enjoy playing games where you can feel the author enjoyed and gave each character a lot of thought/love, this game is definitely one for you!

Also, it's about sweets.

I think you should play it for that reason alone.

Clunky, slow, and near no guidance. I sadly had to drop it very early in because it took too long for me to move from point A to point B. Sad.

One of the best rhythm games I've ever played with an amazing score and multiple songs that give you a huge range of themes to get attached to.

I was intimidated by the controls, but once I switched to using touch on my switch, it became much easier to play and more enjoyable too. I don't think the buttons are the way to go with this game (unlike the persona dancing games) so enjoy your tappy taps!


This game destroyed me emotionally in a way I did not think possible.

Surprisingly good, actually. Plays well and is fun to replay (from what I remember).

I wouldn't tell anyone to go out of their way to play it but if you find it somewhere for cheap or just lying around, give it a run!

terrible game with terrible controls

wont lie and say I didn't play it stubbornly as a child tho

Actually one of the better digimon games. I really miss the formula and think it has a lot of potential for competitive or multiplayer. It would invite a lot of chaos and incite revenge to boil in event the kindest of people.
