Lovely little game, relaxing. Had a good (short) time. The feeling of flying is particularly well executed on such a small production scale.

A nice game that is missing something. The story is a bit flat to my taste. The dialog system is not good at all, I miss a voice over that really brings depth to this kind of game. But I had a good moment playing it.

Lovely and beautiful puzzle game, extremely clever. A real gem.

Great rhythm game, very similar to Avicii Invector, with some improvments, and without Avicii. The music pack is diverse, and even though I didn't listen to that particular music before, I still enjoy it.

The tracks are really well made, and this great feeling of flow happens often. The narrative part is a bit better as the one in Avicii Invector, but still lacks some interesting story.

Excellent game, really enthusiast about this one.