this game is not perfect, i think it has some big problems like the sexualization of characters in the middle of a serious scene to understand more the character, but overall i really loved this being the finale to the saga, maybe this game has more cinematic than gameplay but i finded the gameplay very good, cinematics are good too (even if they are like 20 of them per chapter lol) and im really happy with how mr kojima explained very much every thing on the plot that was on the air, this game may have MASSIVE fanservice but i also see it as a big tribute to the saga itself, on the negative side i think the bosses are waaay to easy, and plus the thing i wrote on the beginning of this review im thinking maybe this game bosses are the "worst" (only counting 1-4 games) but i dont think that they r bad, i liked how disturbing the scene after the boss was (already explained my biggest problem with the game), and if im being honest i think i shed a tear or 2 with the big final fight, i was really really hyped on that secuence and i said to myself "im just going to be very excited with the finale of the game and no more" but by the time i was thinking that i was already crying mid fight, knowing that this was the ending to a saga that im YEARS late, knowing that theres not going to be another game where i recieve a codec call by otacon, finishing the 4 games only makes me excited to live and see what kojima has left to write, i dont know if im gonna make it by the time PHYSINT is a finished game, but certainly i cant wait for playing another game or saga that makes me feel what this franchise did to me, thank you kojima

first time playing it and i really didnt really thought this game would age SO GOOD! old ass game but very fun and entretaining game, i just think that if i had played this back when i was a kid kojima would be what miyamoto was to me (he a god to me after playing this and the third one tho), very hyped to play MGS2 and MGS4

Bought this game because of some friends playing it and a few screenshots i saw on twitter and im loving how fun is the gameplay is (atm i have only played in coop) and the stunning visuals and scenarios this game has to offer thru the space

this game would be a bit better only if i could play it at night

by the time im writing this i have over 1750+ hours on this game, so i think its ok, decent game

fromsoftware's holy grail and one of the most unique world enviroments ever, the atmosphere and feeling in general this game has is something else

easily one of the most beautiful endings to a game ever