While the controls can be a little finnicky sometimes, it's still a really solid collection. In my opinion it doesn't really capture the full charm that Wii Sports had, though Resort definitely improves on a lot of what Wii Sports was missing.

The greatest pack-in/tech demo for any console ever. Game's fun still holds up today, it's extremely difficult to explain the charm of Wii Sports but god, it's incredible.

Super super solid collection. Definitely what 3D All Stars should have been, three incredible games plus plenty of bonuses for the nerds like me. Concept art, bonus scans and videos, so much to keep you entertained while you're not even playing the games.

So much for being a "Super" Mario Party, I was expecting a title worthy of ditching the numbers and starting fresh.

The fun from Labo came from the actual building process. Unfortunately, they didn't include enough things to actually do with it afterwards. I had a ton of fun building the things, but after a couple days of building and messing around, it's sat in my closet since it came out.

I have so many fond memories of this game. I don't know how much it's nostalgia clouding my view, but this is genuinely a really good Mario Party game, my favorite out of every one I've played.

I cannot comprehend how people like this game so much, I've tried over and over but I can't get into it :(


Was very fun while it lasted, sadly Nintendo gave up on it so early and didn't leave it with enough content to keep it interesting.


backloggd users review this game without mentioning the community challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

Java version is better in pretty much every way

This is not a game it's an advertisement