The infinite wealth was the friends we made along the way

Probably my 2nd favorite Frictional game. Penumbra: Black Plague is everything I could ask from a horror game. I love the atmosphere, the music, the premise, just everything. The only real complaints I have about the game is that some of the puzzles are really nonsensical and that the ending is a really slow nothing burger of a finale. Clarence will always be one of my favorite game companions (even thought he IS a bit annoying) and he was the only real break from all the hiding and chasing in this game. This is definitely a must play if you love the horror genre and with how cheap it is during steam sales there’s no harm in giving the Penumbra series a shot.

While this game has a lot of flaws and lots of tedious things, (like the lack of quest markers, the combat that can be a slog in the early game, and slow movement speed) I think Morrowind still holds up as one of the best Elder Scrolls game with some of the most interesting lore, atmosphere, and roleplaying options the series has to offer.

It’s a ripoff of Purble Place but it costs 2 dollars instead of being bundled with your windows install, nuff said

Yuri has never been more kino

This was the biggest waste of fucking time ever. If I could give this zero stars I would.

It’s a fine game, would have probably rated it higher if the PC version wasn’t busted to all hell and crashed constantly

Logging the original Quake 2 as there is no individual option for Quake 2 64

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Master Collection Edition has no separate entry on Backloggd so I am logging the HD Edition as a substitute

Bought the Penumbra collection on a whim considering how dirt cheap it was to relive some nostalgia and It’s still just how I remembered it. It’s really janky like a lot of Frictional games but I think it sorta adds to the experience in some way, like how you can just cheese dogs by running and jumping or how some physics objects just fly all over the place if you grab them weirdly. In terms of story it’s fine and works for what it is but I have always found the gameplay to be the main meat and potatoes of this game. The puzzles are fun and the enemies (minus the spiders) are fun to sneak around or completely cheese in some scenarios. Overall, it’s a really solid game and for how cheap it is during sales it’s worth a playthrough.