85 Reviews liked by NotSolidSnake

'Minecraft' was once a piece of media that I truly believe deserved to be under the category of art, a liminal masterpiece. More so in it's alpha and beta releases, but true nonethless up until the Microsoft acquisition.

In terms of being 'a game', sure, it improved, but the plethora of new features have come at the expense of aesthetic, of atmosphere, and of soul.

It was so lonely. And that was beautiful.

Played thinking I was gonna become a gangsta, end it up getting in love with country music, thanks Rockstar.

Such a cool concept, you are piloting rescue drones on abandoned space ships, and you're doing it all while using actual commands in a control panel. It creates such a eerie atmosphere and is very immersive.

any game that includes a terminal with tab-completion is a big win in my books.

no i will never finish this, it is existentially troubling.

"V for Victory!"

People hate on this game too much. The gameplay isn't as bad as people say it is its honestly good fun but it does get tiring towards the end a little. The story is really good and really encaptures what would have been big boss' rise and its complimented by the amazing cutscenes with art by Yoji Shinkawa and Ashley Wood which is very stylish and i love how dirty it looks. The cast is also one of my favorite casts in metal gear game these characters are all so charming and it made me sympathetic towards Big Boss.

Great music, production design, and gameplay. Adequate story with few emotional lows and no real emotional highs. Best enjoyed with friends!

Replay ⏪
4.25 / 5.
Still Slaps.
Despite some of the game being a little outdated and repetitive, I can't help but really enjoy this one. The soundtrack is incredible, and the story here lays a great foundation for the rest of the series. The combat is smooth still, whilst the weapon variety is nice and different.

when i was a kid my parents would hold halo lan parties. they’d let me play and i would tell lies to their drunk friends to lure them in and get kills

Incredibly fun gunplay, but I feel like it was a downgrade from DOOM 2016. The amount of cutscenes, the amount of lore that's just thrown at your face that makes no sense unless you read every codex entry, and crazy platforming just make it feel less immersive and felt more like a third title in the series. If there was a second game or a DLC that explained what happened between 2016 and Eternal it probably would've been better.