85 Reviews liked by NotSolidSnake

Ghost Babel is peak, idc what anyone says. The fact this game came out on Game Boy Color is absolutely incredible

To anyone from Backloggd staff reading this: there is an extra Ghost Babel in the research database (called "Metal Gear Solid (2000)")! Fix it by deleting the other one when you have the chance (or this or the other as you prefer tbh). And naming this Ghost Babel if possible...Thank you!

Whoever got the idea of naming it exactly like the PS1 masterpiece should never be allowed to localize games ever again.

This is a non canonical filler episode starring Solid Snake with a similar gameplay to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, but more cinematic (basic cutscenes btw) and better to play.
Wish they could release it on NSO, I would properly play it better since in other forms of way you all know very well I can't find the will for the commitment.
But from what I've managed to do is impressive, definitely one of the most important GBC games.

Subspace Emissary carried this game. Without it, I give it 2 stars, maybe 2.5.

I blame this game for introducing me to the painful yet rewarding world of rhythm games

i love jumping and dancing i think everybody should play DDR

i thought this could be like a stealth heist game but trying to do that in this is cbt, it's just a wave shooter game my bad

Roblox really varies on what games you decide to check out. I highly recommend Jailbreak or some of the tycoon games if you're looking to start somewhere. The monetization system is quite egregious however.

xbox roblox hit different

This awakened something in the rhythm game player deep in me the likes of which haven’t been seen since I was obsessed with FNF in high school

for people not good enough for other rhythm games (me)

This game is simultaneously so good and so bad, it's mostly fantastic but has a few parts that are irredeemably terrible. The levels are mostly great, I love how many option you get to accomplish your objectives and how you have bonus objectives on main missions that increase replay value. The story is mostly told through audio recordings you can listen to if you feel like it, so you can just ignore them if you want but I found them enjoyable to listen to while doing side ops and made the game more interesting. Although the story was very underwhelming for a Metal Gear game, they also didn't finish the story and you can see a cut ending on youtube that actually has some partially finished cutscenes you can see. There are some missions that ruin parts of the game, like the opening mission which is easily the worst mission in the game for me with how fucking slow and drawn out it is, also you have to play through that section a second time in a later mission without any changes to make things any less insufferable. Snake also likes to slip on the tiniest of slopes for seemingly no reason which gets really fucking annoying because it seems to activate inconsistently. There's a good amount of vehicles in the game and they all feel off to control, they also get stuck on tiny rocky for no reason at times. When you get detected, the enemy AI can blatantly see you through walls, which is really fucking annoying when a tank can lob a fucking shell over a rock an hit you in the head with pinpoint accuracy, this makes combat feel like complete garbage but this is a stealth game so it's only a problem on forced combat missions which are thankfully few and far between. Basically, the game at its core is fantastic, but there are so many problems with this game that I can't overlook that bring it down a bit. In spite of its problems I think this game is well worth a play, just be prepared for the horrible parts.

9 years later and still struggling to see any game coming close to its freedom and creativity of gameplay beyond Zelda BOTW and TOTK.

You can pretty much do anything in this game. You can make your horse shit on the road. Or ask your naked sniper girlfriend to shoot a grenade you just threw to make a ricochet. Or deliver a box of supply from the sky on the head of a boss to defeat it.

The only thing you can't do in this game is take a piss wherever you want (you are forced to use the toilets of your Mother Base...), but Kojima course corrected that in his next game Death Stranding. Truly a genius mind.

The best metal gear in terms of movement, controls, etc. If the story and levels were completed it would be amazing.

best game ever
i recommend

this review was written by santa lucia gang