New Games I really want to play in 2024

I was orginally just gona take it easy this year, maybe play my backlogg and what i missed in 2023, but god dammit Steam Next Fest alone introduced me to even more stuff that triggers my fomo hard. Hope I will get to enjoy most of it, heavily depending on money and time of course.

Children of the Sun
Children of the Sun
Suda-core is real!
Crow Country
Crow Country
Silent Hill mixed with PS1 JRPG graphics. This was made for me.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Holy Shit
Dev from Pseudoregalia makes a rougelike platformer with customizable moveset ? Just say yes.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Looks like the JRPG I have always imagined in my wildest fever dreams. Give me that good weeb shit.
The Inquisitor
The Inquisitor
Yes, this got shit reviews. I liked the demo, euro jank is peak, sue me!
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
The game that will kill both my social life and my heart. Just waiting until the right moment I can leave this mortal realm.
Mina the Hollower
Mina the Hollower
I played about 500 years of Shovel Knight and I have been waiting about as long for this.
Demo was incredibly charming, looks like a banger.
Visions of Mana
Visions of Mana
The only game that remotly looked great at the Xbox showcase. Might finally get me into the Mana series.


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