New Games I really want to play in 2024

I was orginally just gona take it easy this year, maybe play my backlogg and what i missed in 2023, but god dammit Steam Next Fest alone introduced me to even more stuff that triggers my fomo hard. Hope I will get to enjoy most of it, heavily depending on money and time of course.

Looks like the JRPG I have always imagined in my wildest fever dreams. Give me that good weeb shit.
Suda-core is real!
Demo was incredibly charming, looks like a banger.
I played about 500 years of Shovel Knight and I have been waiting about as long for this.
Yes, this got shit reviews. I liked the demo, euro jank is peak, sue me!
Silent Hill mixed with PS1 JRPG graphics. This was made for me.
The game that will kill both my social life and my heart. Just waiting until the right moment I can leave this mortal realm.
The only game that remotly looked great at the Xbox showcase. Might finally get me into the Mana series.
Dev from Pseudoregalia makes a rougelike platformer with customizable moveset ? Just say yes.


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