Kinda grindy, but can't compare with the frustration that I had with YGO Forbidden Memories.
I have to say that the game is not viable to play blindly, I depended on some guides and don't really regret it, it's not as if everything was suddenly easy, it was still frustrating because the game has RNG factor, you're not going to get the traits that you want, sometimes the cards you need to drop will take more time than you'd like to drop and maybe some items will be the same case. At the end of the day, what really matters is to keep grinding and upgrading your camp.

Finished the game with an only Warrior run, maybe at some point I will come back to it to play with Rogue and Necro, but that's it.
I've managed to beat the final boss with a vampirism build combined with the bottomless bottle, strong aftertaste and article of protection traits. It's funny because in between the 1st and 2nd boss I was hopeless and then Article of Protection came up and saved me right before fighting The Priestess (2nd boss). I already didn't had ressurrects, because Lich almost demolished me. Bad start. lol

EDIT: Overall the game is not that good, to be honest, most part of the refreshing experience that I had with it were the first hours until the 2nd act, I remember that I played the DEMO of this game before the release and played more than the full game during that time (I pirated it and only played a few hours of the full game).
Now I got it on Epic for free and decided to give it another try, felt more or less the same, but now I was determined to play the game all the way.

It's worth to give it a try, but it's not an outstanding experience overall, it has a great start and the rest is up to the player if he wants some of that grinding experience.

The settlement thing is really annoying, which is sad because the game feels fun to play when it's just about doing normal quests, playing the game the way it's supposed to be.

EDIT: Managed to return to the game and keep playing for some hours, got used to the settlements and enjoyed most part of the game.
It clearly can't be compared to New Vegas about the player choices in many quests, most of them feel straight to the point, plus the writing and the basic dialogue system.
But there are some things that I wanted to see in NV that are here, like the post ending world where you can talk with some NPCs about what The Sole Survivor did and things like that without using a mod.
It's also pretty fun to play and explore, I still have the vault 81 side quest to do and the DLCs, so I imagine I will have a good experience with these too.

At the first hours I was alright with the game and was enjoying it, even if it wasn't that good, but still alright, then the first open world section showed up and I was like "uh... sorry?" then the second one and it just got worse.

It's so sad.

Didn't played that much because I can't fully enjoy the game with a bad GPU, but from what I've played looks like a worse Heat. Anyways, at some point I will try giving it another chance.