it's not good guys i hate to break it to you

Amazing. Four incredible games in one 40$ package. Some parts feel a little unfair, but pretty much everything else is near perfection.

I have played the ever-loving shit out of this game. I've beaten it twelve times, I've gotten all of the achievements, beat on the bosses on radiant difficulty, I've basically done everything there is to do. And yet I keep coming back. The world is so beautiful, the music is enchanting, the gameplay is exiting, everything about this game comes together to create an incredible and unforgettable experience.


It's fine. The game is fine. whatever EA sucks etc i'm going to bed
pirate this game

REALLY cool story game about spooky ghosts. Great voice acting, immersive, all around a great time.

good writing good story good characters good music good artwork good puzzles good voice acting good good good good good good
overall verdict: good

Wow it's just like the original SIMULACRA but with none of the cool puzzles or charm! And the "gameplay" isn't even remotely fun! And it's filled with piss!

Terrifying, fun, beautiful. I don't know what else to say. Fantastic game.

This is my most played game on steam, and for good reason. It's fun as hell to play by yourself or with friends, and it's endlessly replayable.

I had a fantastic time playing this game. Platforming is top notch, music is amazing, story is incredible, hell, even the sound effects are good. Not perfect, but overall a great experience.

Really fun movement game that can be frustrating at times but is overall a great experience. Side note: The one thing I really dislike about this game is the weird puzzle section the game has in-between levels. It breaks the pacing a lot of the time.

Not for me. The characters were unlikable, the gameplay was repetitive and buggy, and the story is fine, I guess, but I just couldn't get into it.

Really creative horror game. The acting is not the greatest, but the scares really got me and the story was really intriguing.

Very fun, adorable, good humor, just play it. It's a blast.

Easy to understand. You go down. A well. This is one of those games that you can just put on a podcast and vibe to. It's difficult but not unfair, and racking up huge combos feels great.