17 reviews liked by OgnistY

Very unique sense of player-driven exploration, in terms of both the setting and its story.

Occasionally feels a little obtuse "in the moment", but that just makes it more satisfying once it all comes together.

the greatest game you're not allowed to talk about

Simply my favorite game ever made. This game made me feel more things than I've ever felt playing a video game before, and that's no exaggeration. If you want to play this game, please go in absolutely blind, it's how the game was meant to be played. You can only really experience this game once, don't rob yourself of it.

Outer Wilds is very pretty, has a lot of unique and fun mechanics, and boasts a great atmosphere.
Unfortunately all the deep sea imagery makes me want to pass out, and kinda ruined the experience for me. I'd really like to play more of it, but I'm kind of scared to at this rate. I don't hold this against the game at all, of course. It's just a personal issue.
I would recommend this to people who like atmospheric indie games (and don't share my phobia lol), especially anyone who likes space (like I do.) The only complaint I found with it is that some of the mechanics felt kind of clunky, but that doesn't detract from all the positives.

Update: I've picked this game up again and am going to try my best to finish it! Hopefully I can.

is there literally anything to say here. does anyone really care what i have to say about a 2002 licensed collectathon featuring Taz The Tazmanian Devil. does anyone really fucking care.

if you do, this game fucking sucks. the camera is awful and gives me a headache, platforming is just miserable because you have such awful control of your momentum in air, and the fucking noise pollution this game creates is just grating. remember how, in arkham asylum, the joker would comment on the shit you were doing and it'd usually be contextual and related to wherever you were or what you were doing? imagine that but with absolutely no specificity and yosemite fucking sam's shrill voice every five seconds. i personally love hearing literally only like 8 different voice clips (such as "YOU'RE A DRIVIN' UP MY BLOOD PRESSURE", "OOOOOOH YOU'RE AS BAD AS THAT PESKY RABBIT" and "STOP THAT YA... YA... YA CRITTER!") every time i spin anything in this game.

it's really a shame, because i almost like some of the level design and goals in this game? every stage has relatively creative presentations for "destroy this image of taz", with my favorite being "swiffer this floor until the image is gone", but it just cannot save a dead gameplay engine. even for 2002, this is fucking bad. enemies, like in hitman, have two modes: one, complete and utter obliviousness and two, psycho mantis when you're plugged into player one's slot. the only way you can get rid of guards is fucking tedious and wildly inconsistent, and some enemies you just flat out cannot even remove from the level, making exploration that much more tedious when you're going through with a fine-tooth comb for 100%.

i cannot say enough bad things about this game. this actively gave me headaches every time i sat down to play it. i have not even touched on the boss fights and literally all i'm going to do is link one of them and leave it at that (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2C6uXVuK0E). my advice for you as someone who enjoyed this as a child is that your nostalgia is lying to you. this controls worse than you remember. this sounds worse than you remember. this is less fun than you remember. leave your positive memory of this untouched and pristine, because that's all it can ever be.

I used to main Scout but I decided to be even gayer than I was in 2014 so now I main Medic.

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We do not have much connection, you and I. Still, this encounter feels special. I hope you won't mind if I consider you as a friend.

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it's good



Eggs are alright scrambled but not really my thing

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it's really good