The Legend of Zelda meets bullet hell. And like all great Zelda games, you are constantly finding secrets and gaining new abilities. Difficulty tuned to a perfect degree of fun. And doesn't overstay it's welcome clocking in at about eight hours.

Had and absolute blast playing this.

Before playing this, and even after I started, I wasn't sure if it was necessary to return to Senua's story after the first game. But by the end of Saga, I am very happy I experienced this chapter.

Some of the frustrating puzzle elements from the first game have been tuned up here, but are still a little detrimental to pacing. Hellblade's strength lies in it's set pieces, and this entry does them exceptionally.

This is a game that is hard to recommend to everyone, and is definitely one that needs to be met on it's own terms. But for people willing to participate in the conversation this game wants to have with you, it is more than worth the journey.

Perfect game if you just wanna be a little guy for a little bit. Was over before I even knew it.

Impeccable PS1 survival horror vibes. Absolutely understood the assignment.

A fun rogue-lite. Probably won't get around to making it to the end though.

FINALLY rolled credits. Cleared all regions of side content, but might go back for the global post-game content.

Need to get some of the DLC for this.