Pretty cool and nostalgic, since it's the first game I've ever played, I replayed it recently and the voice acting was just too cringy for me

Fun, but the kingdom management is just... Not what I would've liked, it really detriments from the experience

Loved this entry, if you aren't very much into TTRPGs like Pathfinder, it might be hard to get into it, but it's still pretty fun to play, and there are many many paths you can take your character

It's just mid, not as good as the early M&L games.

Best Diablo game by far, a true classic

Fun and janky, you can do pretty much whatever you want with your characters, stealth is a bit too broken (specially if you savescum)

Now I see why they call this game a classic, it's very fun to play, and the music is phenomenal!

A very pleasant surprise, the "new" series has been nothing but mid, but this one is actually pretty fun! Love the Wonder Flower gimmicks, and has a cool final badge challenge level that by far took the most lives out of my Peach. One drawback that makes me not give this game a higher score is that every boss was boring, it was all Bowser Jr with two little arena gimmicks, but it was essentially the same as always, just stomp Bowser Jr, wait for him to come out of the shell and repeat, very disappointed in that regard.

Cute and fun, albeit a bit too short, but it was very enjoyable and satisfying nonetheless

Not nearly as bad as Sonic 06, but it's still pretty bad, even if you ally with the "good" guys, the cops still shoot you (accurate cop brain), and vice versa. It's also so edgy it can be pretty funny.

It was funny and janky, which is why I was able to complete it, but what a GOD AWFUL game. There's a part where it's like one of those Mario Maker door mazes, you just have to guess the right path to go through, there are 0 clues, god I hated that shit.

The worst of the PMD series, it's mid and not nearly as good as the rest of the series

I have pretty big nostalgia playing this game and the little Skylander figures, not sure if you can emulate this one (You probably can though)

It's alright, but not up there with the big boys like Mario 3 and World, very bland entry

Probably the worst entry in the "New" series, the coin gimmick isn't very fun, only mildly satisfying, still an ok game though.