Toby Fox doesn't disappoint, eagerly waiting for the next chapters!

A true classic, amazing art style and animations that have aged really really well. Gameplay is also pretty fun!

Terribly boring, never been a fan of Harry Potter, but this game made me less of a fan

Fun enough, not as good as the next games of the series, but it was okay (also Mark is stupid)

Unsettling ambiance, which is what I love about this series, James Sunderland is bae

Very good for a ps1 game, probably my favorite one.

Very well made. Amazing art, story and voice acting, reminded me a lot of Stanley Parable (Because of the narrator)

Amazing game, the only part I found a bit lackluster was act 3, it was okay but not nearly as good as the previous acts

Extremely boring for me, couldn't bare to play it for longer than 5 hours. Boring story, boring gameplay.

This game walked so Bennett Foddy could make fat stacks

To this day, this is probably the best 2D Zelda game, it's a bit dated in some aspects, but it's a great time

A true classic, this game is peak!

Hard to get into, but once you do, this is a masterpiece!

I got so much nostalgia for this game. I've probably played it 10+ times, the soundtrack is probably one of my favorite parts, on par with the story

Awesome game, the peak of stealth games. Love everything about this game, the ambience, the setting, the level design... Probably my favorite game of all time!