Very sweet game, a lot shorter than I expected!
I usually hate timers in games with some exceptions (Like MM), this might have become one of the exceptions. I had a lot of days to spare at the end, yet it still managed to keep me stressed out and worried about my little pikmin. Looking forward to the second game!


I understand why this game had such a big cultural impact, it's mysterious, the characters are quirky and full of personality, the atmosphere is one of the best I've ever experienced in an RPG Maker game. The puzzles were fairly simple but fun. That being said, the combat is mediocre at best, which is fair for an RPG Maker game, and I've never been a fan of this kind of "real time but turn based" combat (idk how it's actually called). Overall a pretty neat experience, would recommend playing if you're a fan of these kind of games.

Pretty good and very fun little mystery game! I may not be the smartest person (I didn't notice the main twist until the epilogue, yes I'm that dumb), but I enjoyed all the main cases and the DLC ones as well (although those didn't feel as good as the main ones).
Something about how this game handles the mystery feels very satisfying and rewarding once you figure stuff out and you fill in the blanks. Can't wait for the sequel!

This is an awesome game, peak Mario & Luigi RPG. It's very charming and I enjoyed stomping around as the clumsy Bowser. One complaint I have is the lack of variety in battle music, the only boss that has a different track is the final one (it's a good one don't get me wrong, I just wish there was more variety)

Really fun experience! I finally get why people love this game so much. It has really cool bosses and enemies, level design and music, what more could you possibly ask?

(All Superbs) Here concludes my voyage through the awesome Rhythm Heaven series. This was an amazing entry, although it's missing some very iconic and awesome minigames, like Rap Men/Rap Women, DJ School and Rockers.
The story was a slop more than anything, it just gets in the way of the minigames (which is the fun part). They do tell you at the beginning that the story is nothing serious, but honestly? I'd rather have no story, it was pretty annoying.

It hasn't aged really well, the combat was jank and unfun at times. Still, I had a decent time with it.

Very good game with a bunch of new cute minigames. It's pretty hard to play without a drawing tablet or something similar (if you're emulating, that is), but with that aside, I really enjoyed this game. Excited to play Megamix now and finally finish the series! (Please give us a new Rhythm Heaven game I BEG YOU)

[All Superbs] Wow, this game is pretty good! All the minigames were great! Even Quiz Show was okay! (it was very well implemented in the couple remixes it was in). The one minigame I struggled with a lot was the Marching minigame, the commander blabbers orders in Japanese, so I had to actually learn which of the phrases meant looking left, right, marching and stopping. Other than that, it was a very charming game, and I'll gladly 100% it someday.

Replayed this gem from start to finish, I don't know why, but this time around I did... Worse? I was struggling a lot more with the minigames. Might've been an issue with my equipment? Nontheless, this game is as great as I remembered. Very charming cutesy artstyle and very fun minigames, none of them felt too frustrating, even though I struggled a LOT with some of them. (Remix 10 and 8 in particular)

Very cool and very niche game. There's nearly no explanations or tutorials, you have to trial and error your way through. It was kinda fun at first, but it got pretty boring after a few runs, there's too much waiting around. Not my cup of tea, but I think it's pretty good and definitely worth a try if you're into the occult like me.

Very cute and neat little tribute, there's something off about the camera and the controls, but considering the time they took to make this, I'm not surprised by it being a little jank. My favorite parts were definitely the little tape sections, very reminiscent of Mario Sunshine, a very obvious reference because of the music. Overall a pretty fun game! Got 26/30 strawberries!

More of Sigil I, which is fine by me, throughly enjoyed the levels even though I'm a total scrub...

Short n' sweet, watched a friend play it all the way and it was very cool atmosphere wise.

Wowie, this game was an experience, I was reluctant about getting into it at first but boy was it worth it, I'll be remembering this game for a long long time
o7 Necktie