One of the best endings in vidya history and a step up from Episode 1 in terms of length, pacing and level design.

The psyche-locks prevent the investigations from becoming dull and none of the new characters are a bad addition. The questioning theme in the first game was way better though.

Has a lot of guns and its fun, unlike borderlands LOL.

After replaying the game multiple times I can surely say that the pacing is incredible. It's not too long or too short. The variety of enemies and situations is great and most of the weapons feel good to use. And the credits song? Based.

Short but still good. Some slow moments and i prefer playing alone than with a companion. Getting all the achievements was kinda fun tho.

Really like how silly it can get. Theres no case i disliked since they all have interesting stories. And the likeable characters really help with the fun writing the game has. I do admit there were times when the evidence you had to present didnt go along with my own logic, which caused me to get "stuck". Additionally, some parts of the investigation sections were tedious. Despite some of these minor problems, the overall experience is a fun time with memorable characters and cases.

A simple strategic roguelike that's challenging but never really makes you rage when you lose. Sometimes some battles might seem unwinnable but you can turn them around if you just do a little more thinking. Thankfully repetitiveness isnt a problem because of the various ways you can attack the enemy or defend structures.

Almost as amazing as the original Half-Life. This is still a greatly paced FPS with incredible use of physics and better platforming than the original. I prefer the first Half-Life simply for being more energetic and having probably the perfect runtime for the game that it is. Half-Life 2's level design and gameplay in the first half of the game is better than the second half. After you use the teleporter with Alyx, the sections can get a bit annoying due to your squad members getting in your way in cramped areas. But its not too much of a drop of quality. The second half of the game still has a lot of intense and fun fights. Like running from one point of a map to the other to replenish your ammunition of rockets to take down one or more Striders. The only weapon i really dont like that much is the MP7, but thats mostly cus the sound it makes sucks ass. All the others are great with the best being the shotgun and gravity gun. Grabbing barrels and then throwing them at the combine just feels so satisfying. There are almost no cutscenes, so the game progresses smoothly, integrating story and gameplay in a way that doesnt kill the pacing, much like the original Half-Life. And the game's ending with the G-Man is one of the best in the FPS genre.

Simple but challenging and fun af.

Great shooter with a good open world. Probably my favorite of the STALKER games, but I'll need to replay the others to be sure. The atmosphere is engrossing and can lead to many spooky moments when exploring abandoned buildings. Combat is fun when fighting either human or mutant enemies. Theres a great variety of main and side missions that dont get stale or boring, they never really start feeling like a slog. Getting through the dangerous anamolies to hunt for artifacts can be really rewarding and a great challenge. Even though the game takes aroud 20 hours to complete when you take your time and do all or most of the missions, it still feels like its lacking atleast one more area. The ending just didnt feel right and almost feels like it comes out of nowhere, but its not that big of a deal.

If it wasnt for the sniper rifle and other weapons that just make some parts of this game a pain in the ass then this would be one of the greatest first-person shooters ever made. Really love the open map design and how you can tackle the objectives in any order. Theres just the right amount of maps and theyre all different to each other in some way or another, which prevents the experience from getting repetitive. Playing the game in hard mode can get a bit frustrating in some parts but theres not too many of these moments. With that said some of the maps are amazing and have impeccable pacing. Getting yourself a shotgun or an SMG and blasting your way through numerous enemies inside a bunker or through trenches is really fun. At the start of each level youll jump out of a plane and land on any part of the map you want. The cinematics in the beginning vary from level to level. Your plane gets blown up or one of your squad mates gets shot and it really pumps you up to just start shooting once you land. The graphics are great and the game just looks stunning in some places like when youre parachuting.