30 reviews liked by OurMrReynolds

Does what it set out to do perfectly (hatsune miku, asuka langely, Peter griffin and shinji ikari navigate zombie apocalypse)

I will never feel the way I felt when that moonshot hit the rakk hive and the music hit like that, when scientists dissect my brain they're gonna find a imprint of that scene on my hippocampus.

This shit the George Washington of mobile games, just without the slavery part.

Trying not to grab airport security service weapons is my mountain.

I never thought the magic of D&D could be captured in a videogame. Then I learned this game has bear sex.

Running this game on survival is the closest feeling I'll ever have to those mfs inside the Capitol on January 6th.

This right here. This is the shit. And if you don't agree, I'm gonna come over there and twist your metal, twice.

When Shinji Ikari and Hatsune Miku lost Asuka Soryu to Squidward and Johhny Bravo while Peter Griffen was being beaten to death by Senator Armstrong all while listening to Buddy Holly by Weezer I fucking cried.

Id say this game proves a studio can survive with nothing but a strong cast and really good writing but, uh, ya know.

I've never had a vasectomy but I assume it feels kind of like hearing that the Halo Infinite campaign split screen got canceled. Name of the game only measures the amount of disappointment I have for this shit.