I've had a lot of fun in VR - with friends. But that's cheating, isn't it? Is Rec Room a good videogame? Absolutely not. But I have had a lot of fun in it. Hell, I had fun "playing" Werewolves Within in VR even though I never left the lobby. If not for Resi 7, VR would probably stay in my mind as nothing more than an elaborate and costly way to have zoom calls that aren't boring as fuck. Resi 7 came free with my PSVR years ago and I put it off because all I knew about 7 was it was -so- scary. And if the mere concept of playing it in VR was raised, it would earn an automatic "fuck THAT" from whoever heard it. And yeah, there were frights, jumps, shudders aplenty, but I did not expect this to be so fun. This is an absolute blast in VR. A theme park ride. I laughed with delight many, many times. As much as I resent the thought of having to ever pay for a new headset again, I feel 100% on board with Resi VR. Make me walk through the most disgusting environments you can cough up, Capcom!

First time replaying it since release and it really made me aware of how much my second hand Catholic embarrassment has reduced in the past decade.

I wasn't going to leave a review, but then I saw nobody else had and felt bad for the people who made it, because this is great! Pure arcade fun, I loved it. You know you're playing something special when you don't hesitate to replay levels immediately to see if you can do them differently or better.

I play turf war, I have fun.
I play the single player, I have fun.
I play salmon run, I have fun.
It simply delivers every way you turn.
There is certainly a push and pull between "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and "have I paid 60 clams to skip Deep Cut reading the news instead of skipping Off the Hook reading the news?" but hell, it's all good, it's all solid, and I'm still delighted whenever the Squid Sisters show up and do or say absolutely anything.

Fingers crossed the DLC (no I'm not wild about the fact that paid DLC was announced before the game released) can escape the trappings of a glorified weapons tutorial. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed single player very much, and I fully understand why it's the way it is, but I'm ready for levels that deliver the true potential of the platforming, rather than re-re-reintroducing me to the splat roller. We've met!

After getting my arse kicked on level ONE more than once I was sure finishing this would turn into an ongoing project, but in one afternoon me and Sean cleared it thanks to his uncanny ability to not put the controller down and go do something else at the first sign of a Game Over. I should learn from this experience, but won't.

The game is ace and looks beautiful by the way.

As far as I can tell, this is the best review of this game: https://youtu.be/B4LlccT4IF0


Fully delivers on its one promise: to be a cat game where you play as a cat and do cat things. It could have gotten away with being just that, but it's complimented by a great atmosphere.
I expect most criticisms to be that it needed to be more, or needed to be less. Call me baby bear, because I think they got it just right.

I love Jumping Flash.
Probably the only game that makes me say "They should bring that back... but in VR." Imagine it. Terrifying, electrifying! Jump - and go!

Unusually excellent and in depth review here: https://youtu.be/B4LlccT4IF0

I'm glad Namco had enough sense to bundle the hi spec demo with R4 instead of trying to sell it. It's very cool as a "look what we've done!" but there's no getting away from the fact that there's less than 20 minutes of entertainment to be had here. They even put a football game on the disc too. Did they ever put a demo of Ridge Racer out on a free disc? In doing so they'd have made buying the full game pointless.

The only reason I'm logging this is because I want to talk about R4 more. I got a physical copy to play on my little CRT and I love it.