CowabungA...HAHAHA, dats Literally Me! a genuine guru of the ancient martial art of fragging, and naturally in turn an affectionate aficionado of gUrls😻, who sometimes says mean naughty stuff liable to get one banD in every modern online game or even this here fine establishment where We Esteemed Gentlemen hand out a due rating of at least five pentacles to GoddoHando and other games by Hideo Kojima (sir, I donot regret my words&deeds, and you shouldNot either...). Thanks to my teacher, Cumfuccius, I now straferun like water, the harmonious balance of the 'Based&Cringe' is the key to cultivating Chi powerlevels beyond imagining, believ it or not fellow "humorists".. my crystal is becoming so pure&p0werful Iwill be able to build a lightsaber with it one of these days...

comes packaged with a free vasectomy and a complementary funko-pop of your favorite Devolver Digital Cinematic Universe character

Bioware's, or more specifically Drew Karpyshyn's, keen understanding and love of Star Wars shines right through in the quintessential Jedi Knight "KOTOR 3" storyline in this, as does of the majority who proclaim it captures what Star Wars is ultimately about and supposed to be like. That is to say "a hero's journey" where the self-insert Gary Stu/Mary Sue mindlessly follows orders and mows down hundreds of imperial mooks along their path towards defeating the irredeemably evil bigbad with their blue glowstick, as we all know. If there were a dialogue option for the player to retort to the emperor's villainous monologue of vagaries at the end with "AND I AM ALL TEH JEDAI!" or some such it would've been truly perfect, I think Us Star Wars iconography enjoyers can all agree. At least unlike the previous attempt at a superficial facsimile of the movies by Bioware, the token R2-D2 homage party member in this is something akin to a "character" rather than a literal plot device with zero relevance or even personality beyond being needed to open a door on the tutorial planet. KOTOR 2 was quite a subversive deconstruction of the source material in regards to how its narrative handled T3M4 instead, amirite or amirite, my fellow fans of mediocre VNs and WorloWarcrap: Catalyst...? End of line.

PS: im so so sorry for not updating my blog in a more timely manner and aptly posting this on teh fourth of may for the annual CelebratioN of a multibillion£€$ zombie franchise

Bäcklåggd dont surf here. I love teh smell of cloudkill in teh mrorning!...

What commonalities does it share with Metroid Prime besides that there helmet HUD and good menu muzak, you ask? Well this Fisher Price's Rainbow Six game that's easily over and done with within a day, and stays relatively entertaining throughout, similarly has alien bugS and dudes with jetpacks you can shoot up with a pewpew blaster, but I prefer to have my men do the gruntwork while I throw out an amount of grenades that embarrasses Masterchef from Halo3. I hope you feel elucidated, BRothers All....

Ps: i thought i had LetGo...but i can feel it again, faintly...StarWar is good!....
Pps: yes the super battledroids in this are super annoying bulletsponges, especially if you dont use the explosive ordinance the game readily hands out and/or shoot off their gun arm instead of firing at the big armored torso, You did try to do that, Right?

our homes are in Peril!...THE C4 IS PLANTED&READY BROTHERS, I WILL DoTheDeed FOR THE CAUSE !!!!

comeplay mylord...They Fixed Everything! no, sorry, they didnot AND WILLNOT add a "knight in shining armor" class who wields a crucifix shield into this "gothic horror medieval fantasy game" about fighting demons, iam sorry if that is what thou art after...REturn2Darkness??? nononono, Return2Diablo3, thats what all the fathers too busy taking care of their wife's sonS were asking for on reddit after all, pop open youre designated giftbag of set items and go2town baby, hunt down those epic reforged phat loots with +damage +vitality +shadow resist that you will constantly cycle thru cuz remedial busywork is Fun as long as the numbers are getting bigger. Blizarsds did it just 4 U, maxlevel cums so fast you will never see other players so noneed to even worry about all the new horse armor on sale (no one would get to see it!).PS does anyoneknow why was the pvp zones empty everytime i play this?

nominally more involved in terms of moment-to-moment decisionmaking and "mechanical finesse" than Duplo 4 in its current exultant state (WE DID IT REDDIT! !!). I recommend folX into this kind of "escapist entertainment experience" to look into this obscure place called the Las Vegas Strip.

DoNot play Frank Fragem 3D it promotes the objectification of Men and the fémale gaze.! (Dont believ me..?)

Ps: for me, it's c&c_city

Sneed Feedem sucks almost as much as Chuck or even Marathon

The amount of novel or even fun setpieces in this can be counted with one hand, but something like that is very easy to overlook since you get a handful of fun new guns, like a toy desert eagle (it has soft round edges for a reason) and a hitscan sniper instead of a dull old crossbow. It's almost enough to make up for the fact that the first hour of this two hour expansion pack is mostly comprised of crawling through vents and waiting for doors to open, thank u Cranky Pissford! I can indeed perfectly well understand why this is so beloved while the literal rollercoaster titled "halifetwo episde one" (formerly half-life 2:aftermath) gets labeled as unremarkable, it's cuz they cut the black hole grenade and npc_ministrider (formerly npc_combine_guard), im sure it woulda made all teh teh world...mistah freeman.-....

ps:sorry to all my patreon subbscribers here is a filler re-view I AM; BUSY

ThanX to Axel Gembe I was welding crap together with my physcannon and hearing sick beats in accompaniment of hl2.exe crashing before any of my fellow kids enjoying the latest revolutionary Zelda game by Ubisoft figured it would be cool, believ it or not JBmod fans.

"Will you play a BAD unfinished RTS game or be a GOOD daddy and grow a bonsai garden while you're at it?" -PetterMolydeux quote in the readme, where he brags about how much takeout he & Ronald Miller ate inbetween lying in press interviews or over @ yes indeed this is my favorite "EA" (electronic arts?) title, available for a low low price blieve it or not kickstarter backers of Godus. one would presume that these HandOfGod spanking-the-monkey games prominently featuring "xboxhueg humanoid animals" who tend to poop a lot (UhOh!!!) would have a bigger following&community and one as Lovely&Vibrant as your average prestigious nintendo franchise, but alas.....instead it's just a modest amount of PeeCee gamers hailing mainly from yurop-land as far as the All-Seeing Eye can see, and largely ""wh0les0me"" (i cannot explain to u where MySon comw from yet, u need to be older, atleast 6yrs,twas not "an immaculate divine event" many Solari crystals were spent in order to accomplish and do the deed...)

Ps:where is the skirmish&multiplayer patch...? is it behindthis demondoor in Fable:theLostChapters, PETER????
pps: this is a twostar game at best but im not rating it that, I make Da Rules here, it's not midnight it's 7am goback2work "wagie" I moved theSun with mah hand (can You do that in your favorite game for the nintendo DualScreen...?)

features all your favoritestandard fantasy playbleraces like Babar the elephant from Jade Empire, kahjiit,quilboars straight outta theBarrens and ofc four flavors of SHORT folx (eat your heart out dragondogma2!!!) whom you can specialize into Zenmasters & Samurais as per thetitle suggsts. also has the greatst ending cutscene to any game,yep better than SystemShock2, might be off-putting for local grown-up ironists or humdrum to folX who found Hideaki "I invented the Newgame+" Itsuno's fully realized vision to be superduper meta though, not that theyll ever see wouldnot skip to the last pages of a book look it up on yootoob , right.? thats not the point, did thou not digest D.W.Bradley's monologue at the sea of sorrows, fellow 'RPG game' enthusiast...?

thaaats right, im a little kid"in a Big Kindergartenhere, fully positivized and Hype for more ratgames at summer indieshowcase😸