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PKMudkipz backloggd Muv-Luv

22 hrs ago

PKMudkipz commented on Trent's review of NEO: The World Ends with You
"that isn't button-mashing slop"

Favorites: Xenogears

2 days ago

2 days ago

PKMudkipz commented on Vee's review of SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
@HylianBran If they don't have a good new idea for a game, they should get one. There's so many directions Capcom can take Mega Man, even if they just make a sequel to any one of the series', so I don't buy that they can't figure out how to make one, especially with their decades of experience. And if they REALLY can't make one, they should just ring up Inti Creates and have them do it; they clearly still have 2D action platformers figured out. And if neither is possible, then I'll keep hounding Capcom because there's absolutely no reason to give them a pass.

2 days ago

PKMudkipz commented on Vee's review of SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
so true, new mega man game in 2025! this is the year!

2 days ago

PKMudkipz commented on PKMudkipz's review of Unicorn Overlord
Going more in-depth as to why UO was so boring (for my own sake):

As stated previously, there was absolutely nothing about the game that justified its existence, or my continued playthrough. Not the gameplay, not the narrative, not the music, nothing.

The issues with the gameplay specifically can be boiled down to it feeling like a strategy RPG without any strategy. I have no issues with gambit systems/building AI in general; just this game's rendition of it. I'm a bigger FFXII fan than most, after all. And unlike UO, FFXII at least made tinkering with it in the early game feel worth it, despite the dearth of options available. The other issues UO has doesn't help its case either.

The real-time elements felt very superfluous. Timing your squad movement required little planning and the advantages offered hardly affected anything since enemy units are so weak. As a result, watching your squads slowly crawl (even with speed-up) to objectives is a complete slog.

The battle forecasts being 100% accurate ends up being a big problem, too. As in, the game will predict whether or not you'll miss or crit, and calculate accordingly. It will also automatically do any calculations pertaining to specific skills or abilities that, in other SRPGs, would require you to factor in yourself. On paper it seems like a good thing, as you won't get screwed over by RNG and understanding interactions is more straightforward. In practice, it makes combat feel like nothing more than the forecast itself; turns out Fire Emblem and co. had a very good reason for throwing in RNG. You never have to scramble to save an unfortunate situation, or build plan B and C's before every move. Couple this with the issues I highlighted previously, and it feels like nothing in the game has any weight.

I broke when I realized that you can actually just run around the overworld and do shit out of order, and I was struck with how much content the game had. The thought of having to endure all those main and side quests made me realize that I did NOT want to play this game another minute.

2 days ago

6 days ago

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