1258 reviews liked by PKMudkipz

Imagine if Knack had been named Platformer 4

Wanted to like this more than I did. The gameplay is fun but there's honestly not that much strategy involved in this game. Just place your villagers, repair some defenses, and then run around hacking and slashing.

Everything outside of the combat stages and bosses is very rote. Load into a base, run around said base to assign repairs, do a mission, load back into base, confirm repairs, repeat after every combat stage.

A rare combo of both a tit AND arse game.

Ridiculously tough in places, and an absolute chore to navigate. If there wasn't jiggling flesh to keep my caveman shagger lobe activated I'd have been asleep throughout.

If you believe your bikini bottoms are panties, then they're panties.



no, watching marsh's video essay does not count as a playthrough

Fond memories for the very specific slice of the zoomer generation who were young enough to enjoy tangentially-educational-Spongebob, but old enough to know how to go onto the computer to play flash games. There's three distinct platformer levels and a big boss fight at the end with mecha-chicken, played fine but nothing super remarkable in retrospect.
P.S. the "That's kooooky!" kid makes an appearance!

I played this game on my 3DS in public and a Blood member thought I was throwing Crip signs at him; but I was just trying to juggle pressing buttons in a full 3D movement section with a flat d-pad -- while pinching my freshly dislocated thumb and index finger to hold the 3DS stylus. Blud just killed me in the middle of the street, picked up my 3DS while looting my corpse and became blind because I had the 3D toggled on and he looked into the screen at a slightly wrong angle.



More like Unicorn OverBORED because this game is boring as fuck.

For the first twenty hours or so I was so convinced that there was going to be some kind of big twist in the story. The villians are all either comically evil, being mind controlled, being decieved or are working with other villians becuase they have no other choice. And all the good guys are so righteous and noble that it's sickening. Every story moment is just one group of people that are 100% good and morally right fighting against a group that is 100% bad and morally wrong (for basically no reason most of the time). If there is a big twist later on, it comes FAR too late as I gave up at around 35 hours in. Maybe I set my expectations high because the only other Japanese tactical RPG I have played is Fire Enblem Three Houses, which had a great main storyline despite having similar problems to this game with it's characters.

The characters in this are bad. But They aren't bad in any interesting way, they aren't unlikable, they don't have too much cringeworthy dialogue or voice acting, they are just boring. Uninteresting motivations, uninteresting dynamics with other characters, little personality beyond basic tropes and any personal conflict is almost immediately solved with no consequences.

The gameplay here is decent, creating and organising a unit is pretty engaging, and some of the battles in the main storyline are very well designed. It's probably the strongest element of the game along with it's visuals and music.

The game also has a satisfying gameplay loop, winning battles, recruting units, expanding your army and the size of the map, collecting resources and fixing up towns and cities along the way.

However the game is far too easy. I played this on the hardest difficulty after I found Fire Enblem 3H to be way too easy on normal, and I didn't really feel like I was being tested in any way. The game lets you micromanage each of your unit's attacks, and which enemy units to proritise, and I never used this feature once. If I could get away with winning most battles with ease without using this feature then the game is far too easy, and this is only the second game I have played of this genre.

A lot of praise I have seen for this game seems to suggest that while the main storyline is extremely generic, the side self-contained stories in each area are engaging and entertaining. I completely disagree, these local disputes and stories are just as boring and uninteresting as the main plotline.

The point where I gave up on this game was a mission in which I encountered a thief in the Elf country who was trafficking elves for money. After defeating him he claimed that he was only doing it to help his sick sister, and that we aren't so different to him, to which the protagonist completely agress and SETS HIM FREE so that he can use the money he got presumably from selling people into slavery to go and cure his sister. I shouldn't have to explain how unbelivably stupid this entire storyline is. Whats even more insane is that our protagonist previously has had the option for executing people for working for the evil empire, and yet we are forced to let this guy go for no reason?

I really don't get the love for this game, it has no sauce, no spice. If it was a meal it would be plain boiled chicken with boiled green beans and boiled plain potatoes. Very little about it is particularly distasteful or frustrating, but nothing about is is interesting or engaging either.