The amount of nervous shouting this has caused is hillarious xD

Solid 'party' game that requires you to work together flawlessly. Getting better in this game with your partner is almost inspiring.

Excellent "hotline" clone.

It's a really good game with enough variation in gameplay to set it apart, making it interesting. Throwing barrels and killing enemies with fireworks hits different you know xD

Honestly a great fighter, with every chance i get i play it with my brothers and we have a great time. It's really fun ;D

Fun for like 2 hours, got boring really quick sadly.

Hillarious to play with friends, one of the better party games out there for sure xD

This game is all about athmosphere, as the story is quite lackluster to say the least. But a fun little game

Ahh, i remember when i first got it. I grinded sooo much. I was OP with the peashooter and would frequently place on the top of the leaderboard in team vanquish, capture the flag etc. Fun times

Solid title, not much else to say.

Cool platformer, and short enough to make collectible grinding fun!!!

Have played both the original and the remastered.

It's a blast, takedowns are amazing, the sense of speed is fantastic, and the cars are very cool. Anhilator is the coolest by far. Great game that i've replayed a couple of times over the years.

Don't really remember much of this game. I remember messing around in split screen, and that i finished every mission. Hopefully i'll be able to replay it soon.

A good "GTA clone". Physics and gameplay feel very scripted and controlled which takes time getting used to. But honestly it's a great game that offers fun new mechanics. Fun game with fun missions :D

Eventually completed the game under 10 min. Thank god, never again...

A solid game, a cozy game.

It's a game you can just relax while playing, while not getting bored as the small things like gathering resources, mining and exploring keeps it interesting.

I platinumed the game some time ago. And glad i did, it's a true classic.

Better than vice city stories at least.

It gives you a barebones GTA experience. But it's fun :)