I've been trying to play "new" games on my New 2ds XL. So i've been browsing around for games i don't usually play and found this.

Gotta say it's quite amazing. With a good and engaging story and fun combat system. The bosses are especially fun here although progression feels weird, as some of the earlier bosses are harder than the ones you face later. Although that might just be me.

Replayability? ehhhhhhh, idk.

This game is all about athmosphere, as the story is quite lackluster to say the least. But a fun little game

Best rhythm game?

It offers a great selection of songs, and you can add a dozen more with mods.

I may or may not have grinded high scores for this too xD

Honestly a great fighter, with every chance i get i play it with my brothers and we have a great time. It's really fun ;D

First Zelda game i've finished, and i gotta say it was quite amazing. Map was fun to explore and although it isn't the biggest it felt big enough for the game, anything bigger would break the immersion. Great story and great game overall.

A solid game, a cozy game.

It's a game you can just relax while playing, while not getting bored as the small things like gathering resources, mining and exploring keeps it interesting.

I platinumed the game some time ago. And glad i did, it's a true classic.

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What a ride.....

First off, mechanics are phenomenal and it keeps you on edge the entire time! Although to complete missions you sometimes had to do stuff which seemed to random to figure out. Nothing too crazy though as i figured out 99% on my own.

Story is fun and enjoyable up until the last chapter. Where it gets too confusing with multiple plot twists thrown together at once. Shame really, as i was on edge wondering how this could all end.

The game is really only playable once, as once it's played you've done it all. It's kind of a visual novel/puzzle in one.

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Difficult game, especially near the end. But the story was fine, characters were quite forgettable but the gameplay makes up for it.

The final mission was especially tedious, didn't really feel like a "surgeon game" anymore at that point. But i guess this is more sci-fi.

Gameplay is phenomenal. Story was pretty fantastic too even though the gameplay overshadows it. Dueling is fun, all the guns have enough variety to them making them special and unique. It's really satisfying headshotting enemies for some reason too XD

Eventually completed the game under 10 min. Thank god, never again...

Scary little great with amazing ambience. Or should i say scary ambience maybe.

Regardless it felt a bit too cut and dry. With forgettable story and repetetive gameplay.

Game is nothing short of amazing! Blasting through each level and murdering everyone in sight with every weapon imaginable!

Soundtrack is obviously amazing and kept me on edge from start to finish. I even took the time to complete the game fully, with all achievements!

But of course some levels were hardddd ;D

Simple premise but addicting! It never felt grindy either which i do appreciate, as alot of puzzle games often feel like that.

(Apart from growing the tree for the achievement, i may or may not have cheated with cheat engine whoops)

Creepy athmosphere and good jumpscares. Environment is really pretty too. Fun little game :D