Hehe, fun game. Creative kills and frankly that's all i cared about. Couldn't be bothered with fully completing it though, finishing the story was enough.

It's just a small mission essentially. Quick fun little sneak peak of what's to come.

As it's the first game in the franchise, and it's really old i'll give it some slack.

Game was very fun, but alot of the missions were confusing to say the least. I often had to look up playthroughs as i often got stuck. But hey, that might just be a skill issue :P

I really enjoyed the freedom the game gave you tho. You could kind of complete the missions in different ways. Overall i had a good time, although the game was confusing and hard at times.

Game didn't really live up to the first one in my honest humble opinion. I guess the story didn't quite catch me as much as the previous one did. And the mission design felt different, hard to explain but i didn't really get the same level of enjoyment.

It's hard to even describe how great this game is. A hugee open world that is fun to explore still today! Missions are very fun with good variety, and with the added minigames and side activities it does really make for a great experience overall. Glad i platinumed this :D

Another great installment in the greatest video game franchise! Fun gameplay, fun story and good soundtrack.

Grinding for take the cannoli was baaad tho. With the right setup using the sparrow and a taped DS4 controller it took 4 hours to get. Stupid achievement honestly. Still a fun game :D

Excellent game, grinding for all trophies was kinda wack though. So resorted to using cheats :P

Gameplay is phenomenal. Story was pretty fantastic too even though the gameplay overshadows it. Dueling is fun, all the guns have enough variety to them making them special and unique. It's really satisfying headshotting enemies for some reason too XD

Giving it 1.5 for the memes.

Fun whiile the challenge lasted.

Best rhythm game?

It offers a great selection of songs, and you can add a dozen more with mods.

I may or may not have grinded high scores for this too xD

South Park's take on the whole rpg thing is pretty cool, it's very creative. As it applies the typical south park humor to practically everything. Battles felt good, story was fun with hillarious dialogue and moments sprinkled here and there. Really enjoyed it and have replayed it a couple of times :D

Fun little puzzle game with an eerie feel to it. The way the puzzles play out is pretty amazing to watch too :D

Fun game with a simple yet addictive premise, and it never felt grindy. As puzzle games often do.

(Except for the tree growth achievement, i may or may not have cheated using cheat engine whoops)

Simple premise but addicting! It never felt grindy either which i do appreciate, as alot of puzzle games often feel like that.

(Apart from growing the tree for the achievement, i may or may not have cheated with cheat engine whoops)

Scary little great with amazing ambience. Or should i say scary ambience maybe.

Regardless it felt a bit too cut and dry. With forgettable story and repetetive gameplay.