7 reviews liked by PacciePS2

Well-packed mystery, incredible characters, amazing atmosphere and soundtrack slaps.

Peak fiction.

"magic isn't real! magic isn't real!!" i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

wouldve been one star but the weed guy survived so it earns an extra

Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device was a cornerstone in gaming like no other in its release decade.

Its masterful juggling between a gripping narrative that explores deep, psychological themes like the heart of darkness, or where does malice and war come from and the effects they can have on a nation, and a surprisingly deep gameplay that thrives in the philosophy of "easy to learn, hard to master" while also coming full circle with core mechanics that tie themselves to the central themes of the story is something that just hadn't been done up until that point.

It's easy to see how the game industry ballooned like it did thanks to this atemporal gem.

Simply a must play for anyone with even the slightest interest in this hobby.

The train section is one of the earliest memories that I have, but I could not remember the name of this game until I was 20. I was excited to finally play through this game again, but It turned out to be one of the worst games that I have played.