The Simpsons: Hit & Run if it was as well-written and had as much ska as its fans like to pretend it does.

The structure of American Nightmare seems to be a sticking point for many, but I personally don't find going through the same scenarios multiple times with different encounters and dialogue for three hours any more taxing than going through nondescript woods that look the same for 10, I might even prefer it. I thought that returning to the scenarios with more pieces slotted into place each time making your progression through them more brisk was pretty satisfying honestly.

Especially when the combat feels way less sluggish and time wasting. The rhythm of gameplay flows a lot more smoothly here than I thought it did in the first game due to the flashlight exposing taken a lot faster and them closing in on you much slower, I didn't find myself dreading coming across the next group of enemies this time around. It also just feels better, and has a much wider pool of weapons to boot.

All that and a way more engaging antagonist (and much better sound mixing that doesn't periodically pierce my ears) I'm left scratching my head a little at the reception. I felt the first game was a frustrating experience to actually play through that was carried pretty well by the concept and presentation, and AWAN does fun stuff with that while also playing better.

The song they played three times was admittedly mid though.

Stephen King once said the only thing scarier than loud birds is haunted flying cars

so what do you guys think of council rebranding as promise

I figured now that I’m an adult that knows the difference between the game and the anime universes I would do a playthrough as Red. It took me a few days to realise I’d called my rival Gary.

Look, maybe the game does say that unrestricted law enforcement is needed to keep society civil, but being a space cop is just cool man there's nothing to be done.

Every day I log into the game and use Kafka's overworld attack to make her tits jiggle and think about killing myself

I don't laugh at games much, but our titular hero responding to a distressed woman's pleas to get rid of a compromising photo taken of her with an immediate and flat "no." got me.

I expected this game to leverage its unique premise more. It leans into the stealth aspect a bit, but the locale choices and vast majority of moment to moment gameplay could fit any generic mascot platformer.

I really like re-imaginings that stand alongside their original counterparts due to being a new experience rather than graphical overhauls with no changes to the actual game, especially when the original is readily available on whatever platform you could ask for. I hope Capcom releases the original RE1/2/3 in some form again for that reason.

That last like hour and a half being the most dull part of the game with none of the actual story revelations I was waiting for sure did deflate some of the good will I had.

Crazy how gamefreak released the best Pokémon game on November 18th 2022

Coolest setting in the entire series and you spend most of it in tunnels and a mine

Game breaking glitches. Do NOT waste your money futa fanatics

The fact we'll never see a proper continuation of this story is such a shame, man. This DLC really upped the ante in terms of fun but challenging platforming, already showing improvement over the base game's more underwhelming level design. The prince and Elika are such a massive step up from any other pairing in the series that I'm genuinely sad I'll never get to see their next adventure.