Log Status






Time Played

3h 30m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

May 13, 2024

First played

May 10, 2024

Platforms Played


Man... I've been single too long. I got the "simp" ending as I'm dubbing it, as shamed as I am to admit it.

This game was super cool. The visuals were eerie and serene at the same time. The music and presentation complimented each other in both the horror and romantic elements. The hand drawn art had and an incredibly unique and consistent style.

I have a hard time labelling this as "horror," though. It was creepy at times but never made me too scared. The writing at times was clever and other times felt like it got caught up in its own riddles. I'm still not quite sure what the truly happened at the end, but I also think that's part of what makes it an effective art piece. I'll certainly be thinking about this game for a while and, after sitting with it for some time, am excited to see how I analyze it.

As far as gameplay goes, this is a visual novel so it's not much more than clicking dialogue options. However, one thing I was impressed with was how many different options there are. Often times in games like this it'll give you a "good" and "bad" option, but never much more than that; in this game I felt like they give you a wide array of options spanning all the gray in between the black and white. This made for more compelling choices and I found it stressful to make decisions at times.

The two voice actors in this game both performed excellently; without their commitment the game wouldn't have worked. The Princess conveyed both creepiness and innocence and the voices in your head each had their own flair. Only critique is I wish their was more distinction between The Narrator and the Hero. Every other voice in your head felt unique, but the two most common voices felt a bit similar.

Overall, this was quite a ride. I found myself making choices based on feeling more than logic and that's irregular to how my brain usually works. I think it's a testament to the game as an art piece that it challenged me think and make decisions differently than my brain normally does.