great game but it gave me arthritis

its cielover, the embryon has fallen, billions must die

these stars are for Labrys in the story mode and for her alone

Honestly way more fun than I was originally expecting, gameplay can be a bit rough at first but once I got used to it I was having a lot of fun, especially playing as Sophie, Wolf, Noir and Joker (obviously). Most of the Phantom Thieves are pretty enjoyable within the game's story maybe except Makoto and Futaba a little bit, I especially enjoyed Morgana, Yusuke and Haru way more in this game than P5/P5R because of their much needed screen time but the standouts for me by far are Sophia and Zenkichi since they're pretty much my favorite parts of the game, even Ichinose. Music is mostly okay with standouts like Counter Strike which is probably a top P5 era song for me.

Banger game overall with a likable new protagonist, fun new battle system, great soundtrack and the story got me teary especially at the end. I have minor gripes with the battle system like the targeting but it's not a consistent issue.

Really fun experience overall, music and remixes are all good and probably my favorite part of it. Combat is pretty fun but far from perfect, especially since I pretty much used Swordsman and Wild Dancer for like 70% of the game and used Brawler like 5 times total.

A masterpiece and one of the best video games I've ever played. I barely have any complaints, if any.

Enjoyed it about as much as Path of Radiance but I don't think it quite surpasses it, really enjoyed how it built on the things the first game started and the end screen had me silent for the rest of the day just thinking about it.

Not a very big fan of the combat and general progression system of it, story didn't click for me very much but I wouldn't call it awful at all and the side characters are all really enjoyable.

Probably my favorite Kiryu saga game overall, I found the combat to be my favorite from Y1--Y6, playable characters again are fun to play as and the game as a whole is just really engaging and I had fun with the Haruka sections for however short they were. The Shinada part of the story was probably the biggest surprise for me since I had no idea this guy existed before playing this game but a certain scene near the end of the game almost made me tear up.

Overall a great experience, all 4 playable characters have different fighting styles that are fun to play around with and they all have a unique backstory and chapters especially Akiyama. Game also has a decent amount of drawbacks such as latter characters being given less time, 1 awful cutscene and constant twists that might not work for everyone, still one of my favorites though.

i do not care how slow you think the combat is because this game has peak dad kiryu

Definitely lives up to its reputation, a lot shorter than I expected (not a negative) but a fantastic experience.