Playing it until late night with a bunch of friends after grade school had finished for the day still remains to be one of my most precious memories.

I love the second game, but I found this one quite insufferable. Some cool ideas here and there which were later improved, but the mechanics and gameplay piss me off so much I don't really see any reason to play it.

Out of the few mobile Java games I played as a kid, I remember this one the least. And now I know why - at the beginning, it's difficult as shit, so I most likely gave up back then. It really requires you to spend some time to get used to the controls and Rayman's movement, which is tough to do on a phone. But for some reason, the difficulty peaks at the 2nd level, and everything after that is way easier lmao. Maybe the bonus one being an exception since it's the same one but you go backwards (cool idea btw). There also two levels dedicated only to fighting one and the same "boss", which are like the shortest and least demanding boss fights I've ever seen. It takes you 5 seconds to beat if you just attack without even avoiding any attacks.

The game looks pretty ugly, too. Gameloft didn't bother much with the visual departament in this one, and they have made better looking stuff. The lack of any attempt in creating a storyline also makes it a somewhat forgettable experience.

But despite all these things, I can't say I didn't have fun playing it. I like the inclusion of a level-choosing lobby where you have to do some jumps to proceed to the next one. And as with Gameloft Javaware, there is some variety to the gameplay. The heavily "parkourish" design makes all the jumping and swinging pretty rewarding, and I found it satisfying how you can fluently go through the levels once you get the hang of the movement and all the mechanics. Shout out to my man Rayman.

The biggest problem I have with it is that I just found it boring. The movement is comfortable enough, the wall running is cool I guess, the stamina bar is rather pointless, but I didn't mind it that much. Some parts are somewhat challenging, especially this one moment in level 8 when you have to deflect arrows while having to stand really close to the guy shooting them, so it's hard to time it. There is a bare bones story, but there's nothing to care about. I don't know, nothing really felt fun to me, especially the platforming which is the point of the game.

This is such a bizzare combination of things. A deeply personal clicker where you "read" classic literature with a dementia-like story and personality quizzes? What the fuck even is that. Not gonna lie, though, it did make a hell of an impression on me 2 years ago. It was so great that I started to read every book available there. I've just remembered that this game existed, and I also plan on finishing reading these classics. Philosophy, psychology, and literature are my shit, and this gave me way more than I expected it to.

Insane nostalgia. I think this was my first mobile game ever. I've just finished it once again through J2ME after all these years. I remembered it being difficult when I was a kid, but I was genuinely surprised with how much trouble I had beating it now. Even on normal mode, your health bar allows you only to take 4 hits, and falling off the map or landing on spikes results in an instant death. The last level is especially hard, being long as hell and having 2 bosses. I enjoyed the challenge, tho, I like my grind in games. But a lot of the difficulty also comes from frustrating movement or level mechanics. In the same level, there's this one moment where you are required to blindly guess when to begin sliding down a little slope so that the stone slabs will come out of the wall just in time to provide a landing after having to jump to avoid falling down. But honestly, even if you have no nostalgia associated with it, this is still a fun little thing coming from a weird era of mobile Java games.

As a kid, the third Shrek movie was probably my favourite one (blasphemy, I know), and playing various game adaptations of it like this one or the one on PSP might have contributed to it. While the story doesn't really matter in Javaware, the sheer fact of it being a dumbed down plot of the film was enough to make me enjoy it once again.

This is the second game in my nostalgia-fueled replay of mobile Java games right after finishing "Pirates of the Seven Seas". This one is significantly easier in comparison, the enemies being ridiculously easy to defeat, and you can play through the whole thing in less than 2 hours. I would've liked to spend more time with it, honestly, but these Gameloft games were never lenghty. And even though they all have been made in a very similar vein with reused assets, each one has a unique graphic style and mechanics that add character.

The goofy humour throughout is honestly endearing. The castle guards launching into the air out of their armor after being struck down, leaving them laying down in their undies, or being able to fly for a few seconds using Shrek's powerful farts after consuming an onion is just the funniest shit ever. It's a fun, stupid time-killer, what can I say.

The controls are absolutely horrendous; everything feels stiff, and I can't imagine ever getting used to them. Jumping is a major pain in the ass, especially having to painstakingly position yourself to either leap yourself onto a higher platform or drop down to a lower one. And the number of times I've fallen to death because the guy ran for too long after me ceasing to hold the button was way too big. I really cannot stress this enough how terrible it is to move in this game.

The combat is so incredibly frustrating, Jesus Christ. I hated seeing another mf appear and having to focus on that too, aside from the already way too cumbersome movement. Sometimes, just spamming the attack button was enough to defeat an enemy, but sometimes, they would get too far away from you and then hit you. There is a parrying mechanic, but I hate it too.

I know the subtitle "Harem Adventures" made itself clear enough, but it's still kinda funny how the game entices you with the in between-level inclusion of lines delivered by scantily clad ladies whom you rescue. But at least it all provides a narrative, and there is an established goal. Though there is this one moment in very bad taste where one of the sultan's daughters doesn't want to be rescued, and her being overweight signifies that we shouldn't care about her, which sucks.

The further I progressed, the more torture it was for me to get through. I did not feel like I was getting any better, and I really wanted it to be over. I wouldn't want to ever replay this shit ever again. Back in the day, it might have been innovative and exciting, but it doesn't hold up at all.

Made me fall into a nihilistic hole and provoked existential dread I don't think I've ever experienced before. I guess it just aligned with my recent mindset and happened to be a catalyst, but that still shows how much of an impact the game had on me. Shout out to student projects fr.

The second library visit with this fucking mannequin chasing you while you have to click the books in a certain order is so insufferable, oh my god.