65 reviews liked by ParakeetAwesome


Divertido, mas não tenho ninguém pra jogar comigo :(

Um jogo com uma atmosfera muito foda, gameplay boa demais, o fator replay é ótimo.

It's worth bearing in mind how much the Resident Evil 2 remake was aiming to achieve. It was a remake of a widely beloved 1998 survival horror game that many saw as the genre's defining title, it was the long-awaited sequel to the best videogame remake ever made, it was a back-to-basics step backwards for a huge franchise that had spiralled out of control, it was a new attempt at recapturing the critical success of Resident Evil 4, and it was a massive tentpole release for one of the giants of Japanese videogame development. Capcom had struggled since the glory days of the PS2, with the rapid departure of major talent, and a dwindling market for console games in Japan. Taking on a project like a new Resi 2 would be a major show of renewed confidence, and they pretty much stuck the landing.

The "remake" branding is a little misleading, here. This is more of an adaptation. A shift in format, much like Steamforged's "Resident Evil 2: The Board Game". Capturing much of the iconography and ideas of Hideki Kamiya's original PlayStation title, and reappropriating them for a modern big budget action game. It's a game for those who like the idea of Resident Evil 2 more than they actively enjoy playing it. The folk who constantly pester developers on Twitter for remakes of everything because they can't be arsed working with memory cards.

What's admirable is how much they manage to cater to each strain of the playerbase. There's old Resi 2 ideas in here that only work because of how much Resi 2 surrounds it. Barricading windows, optional puzzles for more equipment, weapon upgrades you might miss, and rooms with multiple entrances. It's easy to see how any of these elements might have been completely fucked in a more linear design, or rendered irrelevant if the player was given too much freedom in any moment, but the balance has been maintained. Resi 2 still feels punchy, tense and suffocating.

The newfound freedom in the controls does lighten the atmosphere considerably, though. You're not locked into aiming spots, as you have access to a full range of movement with your gun drawn, but it's an aspect of the game that the developers saw value in. Standing still while aiming will steady your shot and make attacks more effective. For the player, it's a nervous balance of how much you want to hurt the monsters and how scared you are that they'll come lunging for you. Controls are far more intricate here too, allowing for a whole range of considerations when targeting an enemy. It builds on the old risk/reward Resi dynamic of the safe body shot or tricky headshot, allowing for players to strategically target limbs to stumble or effectively nullify approaching zombies. The greater range in movement would make it easier to avoid enemies altogether, if only it didn't apply to them as well. There's a lot of variables that Capcom had to manage to make this new approach work, and I'd argue they achieved it.

There's also the perspective of how well this works as a follow-up to the 2002 GameCube Resident Evil. That game's biggest success is in how it played with player expectations to turn a familiar, and increasingly comforting environment into a devious and terrifying one. From the moment the dogs didn't smash through the window, old fans knew the game was fucking with them, and they could never be too comfortable with what lay ahead. It's a moment the 2019 Resi 2 attempts to repeat with the first Licker, though its biggest achievement is in how it handles "Mr X" - a constant roaming presence in moments where the player would otherwise have a little too much to find safety in. Watching how much noise you're making, and actively listening for recognisable footsteps in nearby rooms really works well, adding light stealth elements to the tension. It's a brilliant use of the playing pieces laid out by the original game, keeping it fresh while never feeling out of step with the design.

What's crucial to my affection is the game's tone. If Claire or Leon seemed too smart, too confident or too frightened, it would have completely fucked it for me. They aren't. They're nice kids. Wholesome, and very assured of their own coolness. The pair meeting outside the east wing of the RCPD, and sharing a breezy conversation as zombies emerged from the apocalyptic chaos of the city, reassured me that Capcom had totally nailed the characterisation. They're very lovable, and I was grateful to play as them.

Then there's the stuff that doesn't work quite so well for me. The voice in my head that screams "THE ALLIGATOR" whenever I see the keyart. They totally fucked the alligator. The gameplay of the original sequence was always more of a setpiece than an intricate bossfight, but it was memorable, exciting and fun. A whimsical progression of Resi 1's use of giant evil animal bosses, and my own fondness for snapping crocodilians made the moment one of the major highlights of the game. In the remake, it's a fleeting Crash Bandicoot run towards the camera as a monster, obscured by piles of sewer refuse, takes three bites at you and dies. Fuck off. I'd have welcomed a QTE sequence that really played up the dynamics of the escape, but Capcom cowered away from wrongheaded criticism of Resi 4 and replaced it with something so insubstantial they might as well have skipped it entirely. It takes a lot for me not to write off the game entirely for that alone. It's indicative of much of the approach the remake takes towards big action sequences and setpieces, too. There's very little in here that captures the weight, foundational excitement and charm of those original moments. The freedom of camera movement, expansive environments and dynamic character models often places these moments somewhere on the scale between TV ad and Advent Children.

I forgive that, though. It's because the love for Resi 2, and the respect for those who love it, is so clear here. They saw how broad an audience they wanted to appeal to, and made sure what they delivered was still Resi 2. I'm of the opinion that it's even more critical to determine whether you're talking about this game or the original when you declare that you like Resident Evil 2, but I don't think it's a subject that the oldguard fans have the right to get snobby about. I can keep coming back to my Dreamcast copy, but there's a lot to draw me back to the remake too.

This game is perfect. It doesnt replace the original, just gives you an alternate. All the additions and changes are fun and worthwhile. The graphics and mechanics are outstanding. The new stalker Mr. X terrifying. The production value top notch. How you can dismember the zombies limb by limb... So many opportunities for emergent gameplay. It rules.

Resident Evil 2 Remake é um jogo viciante, sua ambientação é maravilhosa, seu gameplay interando a exploração, combate, administração de recursos, puzzles recompensadores, animações e muito mais; fazem esse título ser um dos melhores jogos lançados no ano de 2019. Não posso avaliar ele como uma reimaginação, já que nunca joguei o original, mas como um jogo idependente posso dizer que ele foi um survival horror quase perfeito.

Sua história é carregada de emoções em cada cinemática, o enrendo geral é simples, mas de alguma forma se intensifica devido ao carisma dos personagens. No game existem duas campanhas interligadas, protagonizadas por Leon e Claire, portanto, teremos duas perspectivas para a narrativa geral.

A gameplay é fantástica, exploramos a delegacia inteiramente tentando desvendar todos os mistérios que ela guarda; armários trancados, portas emperradas, cofres com senhas e por ai vai. A essência do survivor horror nesse título foi muito bem construída, mesmo andando com uma escopeta ou lança granada nos corredores, você ainda consegue ficar receoso do que está por vir. Os inimigos que são a maioria zumbis, são assustadores e imprevisíveis, a violência fica explícita quando atiramos neles, seus corpos se danificam através do dano recebido. O Mr X sendo o garimpo do jogo é realmente um perseguidor chato de se lidar, sua IA é ótima e ele consegue infernizar nossa vida, mas infelizmente o sujeito só é ativo na primeira metade do título.

A trilha sonora é ambiental e dependente dos sons dos inimigos, então.. coisa padrão.

De pontos negativos só posso apontar as semelhanças das campanhas dos protagonistas, faltou mais eventos e locais exclusivos para cada um, a Sherry por exemplo na campanha da Claire poderia nos acompanhar no gameplay, nos ajudando à abrir portas ou coisas do tipo; a Ada na campanha do Leon tendo mais trechos de jogatina etc.

Contudo e todavia, esse jogo é maravilhoso e recomendo fortemente para todos, é de fato um excelente survival horror e uma grata surpresa pra franquia.

Very good remake of the 1998 original release. There have been many moments where I was terrified of going down the hallway and many where I had an internal scream.

“Be careful Leon, the residents in this police station are evil now”
“Even that one?”
“Yeah, that’s a Resident Evil 2”


É o remake definitivo não tem jeito,tive até que aumentar a nota