One of the best DLC expansions for a game, totally worth the cost and is a lot of fun.

A disappointment lacking the charm of the original two games. I was 10 when this game came out, and even then I could detect the overbearing soullessness of the modern shooter formula with EA's awful practices. I do not want to play this game or its sequel ever again.

Fun game; does not hold up to modern Smash Bros standards, or gaming standards in general. It's a great game, but I have no clue why people still play it or say it's the best game in the series. That's a cope and blatantly wrong.

A charming simplification of the original Super Mario Bros. This game has some unique things that no other Mario game possesses, which makes it a fun play. However, due to its Gameboy simplicity, I don't plan on playing this again anytime soon.

Dumb fun for the family. A nostalgic adventure for me, as I have countless memories playing this game with my siblings as a kid. It solidified the New Super Mario Bros formula that later became stale for the series, but at it's core it's a definitive Mario experience.

Fun and entertaining game. By Pokemon standards however, it's a very weak entry. The gen 4 remakes deserved far better than this glitchy, unfinished, watered-down mess of a game.