Lmao flashback to when I was addicted to this game, played hundreds of hours, had every emoji unlocked and max level, and then the game was sold to a new company and my account progress was deleted when they switched to the new company's servers. ahahahahaha

1. Great combat system
2. Parts of the story were very engrossing (the beginning and end)
3. Some great characters

1. Hit and miss story - some sections were great, others felt lacking
2. Too much repetition - after about 15 hrs I realized that half the dialogue between the main characters on days in between dungeons was just them constantly saying some variation of "will the change of heart work? i have doubts.... did we do it? idk we'll just wait and see" over and over. this went on for almost 80 hrs...
3. Bad Pacing - Breeze through a dungeon in 1-2 in game days, and then you're forced to sit through hours and hours of dialogue with random side characters who have basically 0 impact on the main plot.

Idk overall i feel like this could have been great but it's just way too bloated with hella pacing issues. If the average playtime was cut down by like 40 hrs and some of the countless hours of dialogue with side characters was cut it would have been far more enjoyable imo.

This review contains spoilers

1. big open world with lots of things to do
2. nice leveling/skill system
3. a good game to tune out and listen to music <3

1. bland story and dialogue (also no memorable characters)
2. hella repetitive quests and combat that got tiring fast.
3. tons of gamebreaking glitches. I was halfway through a questline and the npc i needed to talk to randomly teleported under the map so i literally had no way to finish the questline lmfao.
4. despite the big world, none of the big questlines/things you do feel like they have any actual impact on the world? I should not be doing a whole civil war quest that ends with one of the 2 warring factions destroying the other and then feeling like nothing in the world has changed at all. kinda irked me.

Overall i had fun playing it but there were a lot of issues along the way. Mostly enjoyed this because i could just mindlessly do side quests while powering through new music albums <3

2nd playthrough. The visuals are STUNNING but everything else is a hot mess. I love final fantasy but this ain't it sis.

Horrible plot, repetitive fetch quests galore, 10/10 soundtrack

Fun enough for me to at least want to beat it, but it's way too repetitive. There's like 10 different enemy types in the entire game. Almost all of the bosses can just be cheesed with throwing items. The music is lackluster and the level design is boring. Also the story and cutscenes are atrocious, and characters are almost nonexistent.

Many aspects of the game were majorly improved over the first game (characters, story, graphics, etc.), and i don't even mind the leveling system that this game gets shit on that much. However, there are many areas and dungeons in the game that feel totally unbalanced to the point where some dungeons feel rng based on whether or not you'll run into a group of enemies that will immediately turn your entire party to stone and instakill you. A few balance changes and this wouldve been alot more enjoyable.

My favorite of the 3 NES games. The job system was a huge step up from the systems in the first 2 games, and the gameplay seemed alot more balanced than some of the broken dungeons in FF2. This was a huge improvement in every aspect over the first two games other than this game's story being somehow worse than FF1 which basically didn't even have a story 🤷‍♂️ The story's really the only thing holding this back from being great

The music is great and some of the art is fun, but gameplay wise it quickly becomes extremely unbalanced to the point where you basically have to throw coins into the machine every 10 seconds.

cool concept but this was way too easy. Didn't have to think at all, just kind of walked up to the enemy and spammed attacks and won every battle 🤷‍♂️. Kind of telling that for the last 3 fights of the main story I didn't even have to worry about type advantage at all. Didn't hate it but the gameplay didnt warrant me playing all of the post-game content.

me constantly checking my fps to see if my device was broken only to realize the game was just that bad 😭

gameplay was decent although very clunky at times, the story was horrendous and the music was nowhere near as good as the first game.

fun for a bit but the endgame is trash so not much replayability unless they fix it at some point

music and gameplay bangs. story was trash. boss fights were really fun, combat against normal enemies was fine but got a very stale due there only being like 3 non boss enemy types in the game.