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PaulRothstein reviewed Twisted Metal III
Pretty sure this was the only game in the series we owned, so definitely the one I played the most. The story mode always started out fun and breezy but got super punishing by the end. I think I may have beaten it once or twice, but it was tough. Multiplayer with siblings/friends was always a fun time though

1 day ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Fallout 2
My memories of this and Fallout 1 have definitely blended together since I was so young when I played it. I think I preferred 2 though, and I doubt I ever beat it (probably just saw my brothers do so) but always enjoyed wandering the world and running into weird situations. I got the hang of the gameplay at least a little bit, combat still felt pretty dang hard though. I've thought about going back to these first 2 but I'm not sure how much I'd actually enjoy them at this point

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

PaulRothstein earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

3 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Grim Fandango
Super sad I missed this at the time. Always heard its praises sung and finally got to check it out when it got remastered. And yup, it's absolutely phenomenal! The writing is some of the funniest I've ever seen in a game, and the detailed world-building of the afterlife is so unique and memorable. As with most 90s graphic adventure games, a lot of the puzzles were totally incomprehensible to me so I had to rely on a guide here and there. Didn't detract from the wonderful experience though

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Gauntlet Legends
I don't think I'd ever seen a Gauntlet arcade cabinet, but must have just thought it looked cool in the store or something. And yeah I had an absolute blast blasting my way through levels as the yellow Wizard. I feel like I tried to get my older brothers to play it with me but I don't think they ever took me up on it. I had fun anyway, although I could never find all the runestones and at the time couldn't look up where the missing ones were

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Cool Boarders 3
Pretty sure we got this after getting way into Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (see also my parents getting us Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer on PS2 years later). Snowboarding never had quite the draw for me as skateboarding in video game form, I think the downhill nature of levels made it feel less varied than the offbeat collections THPS was able to do in its levels. Had fun playing through it for a while, but didn't keep going back like I did for the first THPS trilogy

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling
I think this came with the pre-owned N64 I bought from my local mall (along with Asteroids 64). And hey, it sure was bowling. My family was actually kind of into bowling because of my grandma being an active bowler into her 60s, I was in and out of playing as a kid when I wasn't playing hockey. So, we got a little mileage out of this, but not as much as Wii Sports Bowling almost a decade later

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Spyro the Dragon
I think I didn't play this until after Spyro 2, and so it felt a bit like a step back, but I've still grown to love it almost as much as the rest of the trilogy. A lot of the bones of what Spyro would become are already present here, and the level variety and structure makes collecting everything super fun. The humor's silly and charming, and the Stewart Copeland music rocks. I also think these chunky polygon models have aged some of the best from this era because of how stylized they feel. Always a delight to revisit

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Metal Gear Solid
Didn't get around to properly playing this game until I deep dove into the series when the Legacy collection came out leading up to MGSV. I was amazed at how well it holds up, and how incredibly modern (or postmodern) it feels despite being from the early days of 3D Games. The camera angles in particular feel so much more cinematic than most all games at the time. The voice acting is still quite good too, and it's incredibly emotional despite the character models being blocky polygons who just bobble their heads when they talk. Gameplay is solid, I love stealthing around, and the boss fights each feel novel (especially Sniper Wolf's and Vulcan Raven's). A bit too much backtracking near the end, but it doesn't take too long. It is funny how many setpieces this game borrows from its immediate predecessor Metal Gear 2, but they certainly feel fresh in 3D. Great game

4 days ago

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