109 reviews liked by PeachyWarHorse

So, this is my game of the year so far. The realm of solo game design always surprises with such innovation, and sometimes its almost impossible to believe it was made by a single person. The way the game infolds is so unbelievably well paced, whenever the themes and rules surrounding them changes, I'm constantly left in awe that they still had more in them. The actual deck-building mechanic is really interesting and the concept is simple enough, yet it has so much room for complexity if you choose to play that way. This was such a spectacular experience, i would not shut up about this for some time and i cant wait to see what Mullins comes up with next.

initially I thought this was going to be some boring card game but I was so wrong. This game is one of the most addicting roguelikes I have ever played. I love the art style, visuals and aesthetic of the game. I really like the feature where you have a chance to make your own cards because you can make them super op. Ultimately, this game made me appreciate card games and it's super fun, that's why it's 5 stars.

Godly game indies are so back just sit back and relax

I used to get sick a lot for long periods of time when I was younger, and this is one of the games I played a lot during those times. I've probably beaten it about 20 times now and don't plan on ever quitting

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A true masterpiece of a game. It is not only my favorite game in the Halo franchise but is my favorite game of all time. The campaign story of the tragic tale of Noble Team is near perfection and sends out the Bungie Halo games with a bang. Each member of Noble team is iconic in their own right and serves their purpose with unique personalities and what they bring to Noble Team. The armor designs of each member also work with each members skill sets and personality. The mission design is almost perfect apart from one or two mishaps (Long Night of Solace on Legendary to be exact). The soundtrack is phenomenal with a blend of exhilarating, dramatic songs while also containing somber tones. It perfectly resembles the losing battle Noble Team and the UNSC forces on reach are fighting. Graphics still hold up and look incredible on both Xbox and on PC with the Master Chief Collection. While multiplayer is lacking in terms of core mechanics (Armor abilities were hit or miss and bloom is divisive), the custom game scene is the best it has been in Halo and the armor customization and progression system is incredible and rewarding. The sandbox did lose very iconic vehicles and weapons like the Chopper, Prowler, Oliphant, Battle Rifle, Mauler, etc but it made up for the losses with great vehicles and weapons being added such as the Falcon, DMR, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Launcher, Concussion Rifle, etc. While the servers were still up on the original game, it constantly gave players something to work towards. Unfortunately, this system hasn't been replicated by other Halo games and other online multiplayer games in general. This is my favorite game of all time and will never be topped. #RememberReach (Also Noble 6 is alive in a cave)


Skyrim is Bethesda's best game. Accessible enough for casuals who just want to become the Dragonborn and in-depth enough for hardcore fans of the franchise as my friend would say.

The world of Skyrim is absolutely beautiful, I feel I can walk almost anywhere in the map take a screenshot and it would be nice enough to have as a desktop background. There's cool weapons, armor locations, companions, and player choices that can help you shape the character you want to play as that effect parts of the world. Skyrim also has some of the best DLC of any game, 2 of which rival the story of the main game and the other made me realize how fun it can be to build a house for the character you've crafted.

Full credit does not go to Bethesda in this part but the mods available in Skyrim on PC and to a lesser extent Xbox is astonishing and there's something for everyone. Want DLC sized content with new areas and characters? New amour and weapons? New characters that are fully voice acted and have their own quests and interact with the world around you Upgraded textures that change the environment of the game? Want to make this game A for adults only? Want to basically be an anime protagonist? Would you like if bears sounded like Banjo from Banjo-Kazooie? If you said yes to any of those things there's a mod for you and many can be applied at once.

Great game, had lots of fun with it. Main quest is so short, but makes up with all the side quests and other main quest lines from the DLC included