The game was funny but the fact that the only way to get actual endings was to take weird seemingly-inconsequential alternate paths made me MAD!!

It's actually been too long since I rated this for me to accurately remember the details, but I'm pretty sure it was both scary and very boooring.

I hate fixed-camera combat!!!! I hate fixed-camera combat!!!!!!!!!

I love Junji Ito and this was high-effort but it felt a bit slow and boring. Maybe I should read the original story

It was okay. I don't feel like going into how underdeveloped the world and characters feel but fortunately a shit-ton of other reviews did that for me so just read those IDIOT

In terms of the actual story this game was quite boring, but being in the house scared the shit out of me, so I guess it accomplished what it tried to do.

Those damned fish. Are hard to get. I will never be a diver.

This game has good protagonists.

If you'd call a 5 or 10 minute game microhorror, could you call this game nanohorror? I like the sound of that, even though this game wasn't the perfect utilisation of such a short form.

This game is a bit silly at points. But I'm a big fan of how it's silly. We really need more games with this mascot character whose name I forgot.

I prefer the first FeedVid which goes greatly overlooked, but this one is still good. I just find it a tad boring and not utilising its concept as well as it could.

I think the navigation gimmick can get pretty annoying at times with all the obstructions at the walls, but overall cute and fun.

Really liked how short, sweet, and mysterious this game was. Felt like a snippet from a much greater world.

Very cool game, I loved the "you choose who enters and who doesn't" gameplay premise, sort of a Papers Please vibe but applied to horror. And so many great details to spot too.

Jonny's Games is the master of creatively terrifying scenery and encounters. While not as good as Slide in the Woods, this is another chilling (hahahahahhajbjnbf) experience with a lot to see.