15 reviews liked by Pepie21

i hate how much i use my phone, & this certainly hasn't been helping recently. but, while struggling with self-motivating, this has been an invaluable tool in getting me out of the house & moving. last week i walked 40km! crazy!

would like to figure out a balance between these two things. i want to be more active. i want to spend less time looking at screens. but i think this is a good place to start.

anyway if you still play pokemon go in the year 2024 pls pls pls tell me your friend code!! i need to send gifts to people for research tasks LOL

also... if you have a mawile... let me know... 🥺

Solid old school platformer with ace music and charming baddies.

Some of the tightest controls and platforming mechanics you can get in a 2D sidescroller, but there are definitely some parts in this game where the devs are like "oh yea hes gonna wanna kill himself here"

THANK YOU EDMUND MCMILLAN FOR CREATING MEAT without it...and I'll be frank from this moment on during this review... My Burger Resturaunt aptly titled "Bob's Burgers" would instead sound a little something like "Bob's Buns" and I don't know how I would feel about that if it were a reality. Sounds ferociously homosexual

This could be the best platformer I've played so far! Jumping felt great and snappy! and an excellent story on depression and anxiety. Some of the levels can be brutal and rage inducing but i still enjoyed my time with the game, The soundtrack was very good especially on the last two chapters! Definitely one of the best indies I've played so far! Still need to try the b-side missions and collect the remaining strawberries to complete all achievements.

King Knight is the Jack Horner of the Shovel Knight universe.

No game will ever go quite as hard as this one

Call me crazy but this might just be the greatest thing ever made

"I'm not forcing you I'm asking you. "

"Say goodbye to her for me."

Glad the iconic indie cameo star Shovel Knight got his own game, well deserved my friend.