Warcraft 3 was a massive part of my childhood, hell, my life in general, and I am proud of that. Be it the memorable story campaigns, all the fucking around in melee, or at least a thousand hours spent in the editor, it's a game that has stuck with me ever since dad first showed it to me when I was barely even five. It's the whole damn reason I begged for my first PC. As a kid, it took me a while to actually find out about the World Editor, and once I did, it was fucking mind-blowing. A few years later, I found out about all the different maps, models, spells, campaigns by other people online, and I was even more awestruck. I made my own maps too, most of them sucked and were never finished, but I didn't care. I even remember once making a bot match with all the opponents named after my school bullies to vent my frustrations.
Yeah, I'm reminiscing about myself here, but I think a great game should provide either a strong and captivating world/narrative, a deep gameplay loop with hours upon hours worth of fun, or a solid amount of ways for player expression in ways the developers may not even predict. Warcraft 3 managed to excellently achieve all of the above, and has an active community even two decades after it's release. If that doesn't earn it its place as one of the greatest videogames of all time, I don't know what else can.

And with all that said, Reforged is sadly the biggest middlefinger such a game could ever receive. Almost any credit I can give to it is solely due to the fact it's on top of a fantastic game, but that too is gimped, because Reforged actually removed features that were there for ages. Extremely slow patching has somewhat fixed this, but that's no excuse.
Old Battle.net? Gone. All your ranks and levels from there? Promised to be ported over, has yet to actually happen.
Custom Campaigns? Gone, not brought back until three years later. These tend to be massive projects that can easily require up to hundreds of hours to make, and here Reforged makes them unplayable for three whole years.
Tournaments? Ranks? Ladder? Absolutely absent at launch, patched in years later.
Certain voice lines? Gone. That dryad line was too offensive, I guess. Or even better, because "Grom" is apparently a copyrighted word, how about some absolutely terrible splicing of original lines? (Thrall is voiced by fucking Chris Metzen, could they really not ask him for a few lines?)
Reign of Chaos balance? Gone. Everything is bound by TFT rules only, including the campaign.

If the biggest appeal of a remake is a visual upgrade, then this is a travesty in its own right. The lighting leaves much to be desired, the terrain is ugly, various effects look like a fart gas, and the original artstyle is almost completely replaced by this semi-realistic, mobile game looking mix that is generally lame and unpleasant to look at. The individual models may have some nice standouts, but this means litte in gameplay. This is an RTS, you're gonna spend most of it from a top-down perspective, and once combat starts, visual clarity and consistency is more important than ever. Reforged absolutely fails at this, it's extremely easy to get confused and lost while playing, everything easily ends up as a big blur, and not even a pretty one. Or a smooth one, because the performance is subpar too.
The original graphics are thankfully available, but there are plenty of things that have been irreversibly changed, like the menu. A menu that fucking lags all the time, because for some goddamn reason it runs on Chromium. It also often disconnects me from Battle.net even when I'm playing single-player, and I bet the seeming instability of the game is at least partly responsible.

All of this, however, isn't the biggest issue. If a shitty remake drops, people just keep with the original. Well, you (legally) cannot now. Reforged has been introduced as a patch, and due to this, all existing copies of the original are now forced to update to the Reforged edition, even if they don't actually own Reforged, so not only your original CD copy is now too downgraded by Reforged, but you are forced to download 25+ GB of graphics you cannot even use (then again, why would you...). This is the real reason Reforged deserves to be forever remembered as likely the worst remake of a video game in history. It's an insult to both preservation and fans of the original in the worst possible way.

And I'm not even mentioning all the new things Reforged promised to add, and then never did.

Reforged should be only remembered as a perfect embodiment of what is possibly the worst era in video game history so far. Not only is it an insult to the whole medium, but it's a disgusting embodiment of the treatment companies give to this industry. The fact the project was basically cut in half because some rich cunt didn't find it profitable, the fact it shits on the legacy of one of the most important games in video game history, the fact that it has lied to, mistreated and scammed not only it's current customers, but also the ones that had stuck with it for over twenty years. And somehow, even this utter pile of shit on a silver platter did little as a wake-up call to anyone. Pre-orders that lie to your face, disgusting mistreatment of developers, zero respect for video games as an art form, all is still at large with no real change in sight. And as long as the shareholders profit from it, they have no reason to stop, until even your favorite childhood game has been wrecked and milked dry of money.

Fuck you, Bobby Kotnick, the current state of Blizzard may not be entirely your fault, but you nevertheless are one of the people most responsible for it. I sincerely hope the ghost of that employee who killed herself will haunt you until the end of your miserable life.

This review contains spoilers

I will say, out of all the "spooky PS1 looking nostalgia indie horror" that's so popular these days, this one utilizes it quite well. It's far beyond just aesthetics, things are abstract and pixelated and the atmosphere is full of spooky sounds, it very much is trying to fuck with you and it works.

Sadly, this is in many ways ruined by the fact that not only the sequences are very heavily scripted, making them incredibly predictable on replay, but there's only very few cases where you're in any real danger. What's more, the few chases you do get on the island are done from the monsters' perspective. It's fucking weird, you will definitely die to it the first time, thinking it's just a cutscene. I get that they didn't want to show how it looks until later on, but it didn't feel scary and killed all tension from the atmosphere when I knew that I would immediately find out if I'm in danger. Not to mention that if you die, it just instantly resets the chase, and if you fail enough times, the game offers you to skip it. Which is a shame, because the sections under the lighthouse are way better.

I think it's worth a playthrough, there's good stuff to be found here, but not much to sink your teeth in.

Why the fuck would you play any other roguelike at this point


Fun enough to more than warrant a play through. But I wouldn't say there's enough depth to follow its encouragements for replaying and mastering it.

In many ways amazing both in concept and execution, the last 20 minutes or so are wonderful horror. However, that's pretty much all you're getting. Worth a ride for sure though.

Yeah, there's an extra half a star in there for the nostalgia, but I stand that this game shook the internet so hard for good reasons.

I literally just played so a friend would send me a link to FF1

My first 5* wasn't a woman, fuck this game

It does lose some of its appeal after you see enough and just look up guides to get the remaining endings, and frankly I found the "final" ending quite unsatisfying with a lame last surprise. But man, the dialogue is on point, the theme is actually treated with just right levels of seriousness, and it all had enough charm to make me want to see everything I could before beating it.

Great memories and all. I just wish the current versions wouldn't be so easy to cheese and minmax.

I could summarize this game from its best to worst aspects:
Amazing presentation, engaging enough combat, serviceable story, a bit of repetitive design and environments, barely scary. Can see the appeal, but I probably won't be revisiting it. Especially with the remake coming.

Beating it was fun, but reassured me this is the type of game you will come back to only once in a while to play it for a day and then repeat the cycle.