It's really impressive how you can play almost any tabletop game on it pretty much perfectly. Shame that it also made me realize not having the physical aspect of tabletop games kinda defeats the engagement of a lot of them.

I need a better social life

Calling it "2D Minecraft" is definitely unfair. Not because of the obvious differences, but because Minecraft's open world design doesn't decide to completely shit over my world and 80% of creative building options once I enter Hard mode

3/2/2024 edit: My urge for a time-waster came back and the content added over my time of absence is fun so far. Good job Mihoyo, I can't wait for you to make me utterly sick of this game for another 2-3 years soon

22/5/2024 edit: YUUUUP, FUCK THIS GAME

The narrative is way too cliché a lot of the times, but has a few strengths. You will probably be too busy engaged into how polished and fun the open world overall is for a game you haven't paid a dime for.
Then you complete it and realize there's nothing else to do. Except grind. And the grinding isn't even fun.
And then you either stop while you still can, or end up like me, watching everyone get hyped over Dendro and the new areas, but you already have maxed out some of the strongest characters in the game, and it took a hundred hours to get here, and you are so sick of this game that you don't even want to explore the most fun aspect of it anymore.

At least the porn is pretty good

I am glad I stopped caring about the story since the end of MGS4 so I can just focus on this being one of the most fun stealth/open world games ever made

One of the most fucking terrifying horror experiences I've ever had. Then I've gotten the flamethrower

A really engaging narrative, somewhat held down by not only the issues this game format has, but that this one basically started its popularity.

Doesn't really speak to me much anymore, and I'm honestly thinking whatever Toby plans with his future games will be better with the help of a proper budget and a team to cover his weak points, and yet I still am contemplating if I should give this a 4,5/5 instead.

Yeah this is a good game and you should play it

The shooting is fun, the setting is interesting, and the narrative focus has some nice strengths, but the clear focus on the story makes you traverse to some annoying levels (seriously, a sewer level?) and can interrupt a bit too much from the shooting. Also, on high difficulties, some areas put you under so much pressure that you die way too easily (look at that, this issue wasn't so exclusive to the second game!). Overall, I just think Old Blood does it better.

Coming back to a joke game that you've made over a decade ago, updating it, and giving it an expansion pack that's possibly better than the original is a power move that I can't help but respect

I want to like this game, I really do.
Then I try playing it, get near the end, have no clue how to deal with the increasingly hard encounters, die, and realize this is the 20th run in a row where I've unlocked absolutely nothing. Then I want to kill myself.

Probably a skill issue on my part

Fucking riddled with problems and weak points, including the lackluster story, enemy design, level design, and the fact Dante's levels are mostly just Nero's levels reversed. And in spite of all that, I loved the combat itself enough to sink almost 55 hours into it. Now somewhat less worthwhile due to DMC 5, but still, it's the second-best combat in the series (maybe in some ways still preferable to 5, if you're a real nerd and care about stuff like inertia). The visuals of this game also get me in a good way.

You don't play this one because it's a hidden gem or anything, you play it because it's good enough and free.

Fuck you Sony port it on PC already

Story peaks in the first 10-20 hours. It's almost a record how quickly I was invested into the game at the start, and how little I cared about the characters towards the end, with how often it fell flat on its face and forgot all the charisma it had.

Some social links are pretty good, but most of them suffer from melodrama and lack of characterization. The combat somehow get easier with each dungeon (was playing on Hard). The music is pretty good, some tracks are really catchy, but it all gets old and repetitive way too quickly.

However, the presentation is absolutely amazing. The gameplay is still one of the most polished ones in the entirety of Megaten (as of now). Actual dungeons, and most of them are good, even if a little simple. It's the game that got me into Atlus games, and for good reasons.

Doom 1 with some nice new additions and way worse level design