Upsides over the original: It now plays more optimally. Updated visuals make keeping track of the situation way easier, the impact of the shooting feels stronger, the addition of coop is nice, and everything overall is smoother. You can finally see silhouettes of characters behind buildings.

Downsides over the original: Try as the game might to be faithful to the original game's presentation (and to give it credit, it is very faithful), it still feels a bit softened, not as transgressive or "dangerous" as the original, like something you weren't supposed to be playing. Which I felt was the whole point of Postal 1.

Even now, it genuinely feels wrong to play this game, and I like that about it. There's perhaps not much meaning or depth behind it, and behind all that it's a rather mediocre janky shoot 'em up, but they definitely knew what they were doing with the presentation. One of the few transgressive pieces of media that I feel truly succeeded at their goal in all the right ways.

The perfect game to turn your brain off to while blasting your favorite albums

You'd think this would perfectly suit me, someone that spent way too many hours setting up and watching NPC battles in Garry's Mod, but those didn't have the appeal of watching carbon cutouts poking each other with paper towels

Genuinely one of the most frustratingly boring video games I have ever played


Tried this with my mates because we wanted to play something else than Left 4 Dead. Ended up roaming the same dark hallways for well over an hour while one of us was desperately trying to solve a command board.

Everyone knows that this is one of the best PC games to play with friends, but the release of Back 4 Blood and subsequent analysis of the two games made me further realize how well crafted this thing is. It says a lot that over a decade later, most games still have no damn idea how to make a game about cooperation really engage everyone to actually work as a team without holding them at gunpoint.
Also, mods.

A blatant copy/mix of Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 1. However, both of those games are fucking fantastic, and this one combines them well enough.
Now if only it would have remotely as engaging narrative as either of the two.

As an European I can confirm this is how it looks like here

I absolutely fucking despise what this game did to the industry (largely thanks to Ubisoft milking it for years to come) and I am incredibly sick of all the games like it, but I still find this one really fun. Funny how that works.

It's HuniePop 1 but with more frustrating gameplay, weaker writing, weaker characters, weaker art. Some of the charisma is still there, but it's not holding it all together anymore. Maybe this one was better off without a sequel, although I respect this one for trying.
Except the handling of Polly, that was a real fucking stupid mess and the final result is a joke that satisfies no one, and probably could have been handled way better

It's Max Payne 1 but virtually perfect

A great game with a simple yet stylish and captivating narrative, the iconic and fun bullet time mechanic combined with satisfying shooting, and a lot of rough edges that would get fixed in the sequel

It's Rock of Ages 1 except with way more fun gameplay, comedy, level design and story campaign